Is anyone from Europe? I earn €30,000 and need investment guidance.

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  • #107710 Reply

      I wonder if anyone here is from Europe? We don’t earn here not even near what you do in US, I earn 30.000 and still manage to save, but need some guidance where to invest.

      any investment advice or guidance specific to this income range.

      I’m interested in understanding what types of investments are worth considering for someone with this salary, whether it’s stocks, bonds, real estate, or other options.

      Any recommendations on budgeting, saving, or long-term financial planning would be really helpful as well.

      Looking forward to hearing about your experiences or suggestions!”

      #107711 Reply

        Germany here. Just do the same as in the US – try to earn as much as possible, spend only carefully, invest the difference in lowcost index funds /ETFs.

        #107712 Reply

          Belgium here. 401ks or Roth IRAs. It’s useful in the US, but it’s not relevant to us.

          We can FIRE just as well as they can.

          #107713 Reply

            Norway here, and you need to learn something about the investment-rules in your own country. For example, here in Norway, you can start an “Stock Savings Account”, and invest I EU/EEA-stocks and get a good tax-credit, so investing in stocks/companies/ETFs registered on NASDAQ/US will potentially cost you a lot in taxes.

            Funds and ETFs need to be registered in the EU, but can invest in the US market to get that taxcredit.

            Probably something similar in all of the EU.

            #107714 Reply

              Americans earn more it’s true. But the costs of everything that Europeans can take for granted- health insurance, car costs, housing, taxes, in some ways I was so much better off in UK with a smaller paycheck

              #107715 Reply

                from Europe, I recommend S&P500 Index fund, works for me.

                #107716 Reply

                  I know people that have made a fortune buying baseball cards. Or flipping antiques. Or stocks. Or art. Or real estate. Or gold.

                  There are number of things.

                  Maybe find something that you enjoy.

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