Is it better to actively trade stocks or hold them long-term?

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  • #105309 Reply

      I’m new to stocks… Is it better to buy low and sell high and actively follow the market or to buy and just hold on to them forever?

      “Is it more beneficial to actively trade stocks or adopt a long-term holding strategy?

      Many investors debate whether it’s wiser to frequently buy and sell stocks to take advantage of short-term market fluctuations or to hold onto stocks for a longer period, allowing for potential growth over time.

      Each approach has its own set of risks and rewards, and what works for one person may not work for another.

      What do you think is the better strategy for building wealth in the stock market: active trading or long-term investing?

      Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences!”

      #105310 Reply

        If I knew when the lows and highs would be, I’d do that, but since I don’t, I mostly buy index funds and hold

        #105311 Reply

          I used to play with individual stocks, now I have hardly any in my portfolio. Trying to buy low and sell high will often lead to high stress and poor decisions.

          Dollar cost average ETFs, then don’t look at them except quarterly or yearly.

          Your stress level will be much lower.

          #105312 Reply

            Sure, that works. I bought (before split) 200 shares of NVDA at $120 and sold out at $165. It was the high that day. Welp, that went to $1100 per share.

            Buy and hold, no one can time the market all the time.

            #105313 Reply

              Buy and hold. You’ll never get it right consistently otherwise.

              #105314 Reply

                Buy overtime but be consistent. I wouldn’t say hold for ever since you need to rebalance your portfolio from time to time. And index etf or mutual fund would be the ones to hold long term.

                The other etfs or individual stocks could be time sensitive.

                Buy what you understand and believe in and reevaluate periodically for holdings and percentages.

                #105315 Reply

                  Buy solid companies.
                  Hold as long as thesis is maintained and company continues to perform.
                  Buy more on dips/lows.

                  Sell some on crazy run ups/market tops.

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