Is it weird to prefer cooking at home over going to restaurants?

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  • #100929 Reply

      Looking for some advice, I’ve been made fun of because I don’t like going out to restaurants I would rather same home and cook for myself and family, is that weird.

      Many people enjoy the convenience and variety that restaurants offer, but others find greater satisfaction in preparing their meals at home.

      Whether it’s the comfort of a familiar kitchen, the joy of experimenting with recipes, or simply knowing exactly what goes into your food, home cooking can be incredibly rewarding.

      However, in a world where dining out is often seen as a social norm, some might wonder if it’s odd to consistently choose a homemade meal over a night out.

      Do you think it’s strange to prefer cooking at home rather than going to restaurants?

      Have you experienced this preference yourself? What are your thoughts on the matter?

      #100930 Reply

        No, it’s not weird at all! My husband is actually the same,but the problem is I do ALL the cooking!

        Sometimes, I would like to go out, and be treated to a nice dinner.

        #100931 Reply

          Whoever made fun of you should shut their mouth. Your life, your choice.

          #100932 Reply

            I’m weird too. The idea of paying at least 3x what I can make a meal for hurts my brain.

            And mine is usually just as good or better.

            #100933 Reply

              Not weird! Restaurants have become so expensive, and all the sodium they use is not good for you.

              I would much rather cook at home.

              #100934 Reply

                I can cook most things better at home for cheaper so I’m not a fan of going out and overpaying for a just ok meal

                #100935 Reply

                  Actually, it makes you wallet savy and health conscious. It’s not weird,it’s wise. If anyone gives you flack
                  Over it – that’s their problem.

                  #100936 Reply

                    I only like eating out if there is great company or phenomenal food that I cannot make myself.

                    Otherwise, I love to cook for myself (I know where the food came from and the kitchen is reasonably clean!)

                    #100937 Reply

                      Can’t remember who said this, but it’s helpful to think about in cases like this:

                      “What other people think of me is none of my business.”

                      #100938 Reply

                        When you cook your own food you take control of exactly what you eat, it’s smart, and tastes so much better.

                        #100939 Reply

                          I get made fun of cause I don’t go anywhere for vacation. I just stay home on my vacation days.

                          I also get made fun of cause I don’t have internet, cable or satellite. I just tell them I’m poor.

                          #100940 Reply

                            I prefer to cook and eat at home. Mainly because I enjoy it and I am a good cook, so I trust everything coming out of my kitchen will taste good.

                            Restaurants can be hit and miss, even when they come highly rated.

                            The kitchen is my happy place … well not so much the cleaning part, but the creating part

                            Saving money is the bonus.

                            #100941 Reply

                              We discovered long ago that we cook better than most restaurants. Why go out when the food is way better at home?

                              #100942 Reply

                                Restaurant food is just not that good anymore. They seem to order in prefab frozen or inferior supplies and nuke it and call it dinner.

                                The worst steak I ever had was in a high end restaurant.

                                #100943 Reply

                                  No. I’m always left kind of wishing we hadn’t eaten out when we do because I know we’ve spent 3x what it would have cost to make something healthier at home!

                                  #100944 Reply

                                    Why would some one make fun of you for this. These people who make fun of you are weird and I bet they carry alot of debt.

                                    #100945 Reply

                                      No. Who makes fun of someone for that. We are the same way. There’s only one or two places we will eat at.

                                      We cook all the time.

                                      Restaurants are horrible

                                      #100946 Reply

                                        Well, part of a restaurant meal with friends is the relaxation and visiting that you can do while someone else cooks and cleans up afterwards

                                        There are ways to dine out for less, too! But if you don’t enjoy it, no one should make fun of you.

                                        #100947 Reply

                                          We rarely eat out. We prefer to cook at home. It’s cheaper and healthier ingredients.

                                          Prices are so high I don’t enjoy eating out because I calculate the amount of groceries I could have bought instead.

                                          It feels wasteful.

                                          Who is making fun of you for this???

                                          #100948 Reply

                                            Been there! I would MUCH rather cook a meal and eat at home..and invite my friends over.

                                            Much better for conversation, relaxing, and of course, the obvious–financial and healthier:).

                                            Not weird at all!!

                                            #100949 Reply

                                              I stay home and prepare my own food most of the time, too. I enjoy going to restaurants and usually have lunch out with a friend about once a month.

                                              Today we had Mexican food at a local Mom and pop restaurant.

                                              It wasn’t terribly expensive and we both enjoyed it.

                                              Other times, when I think about going out to eat by myself or ordering fast foods, I think of the $10 to $20 I’m saving by fixing something at home.

                                              I’m a homebody and enjoy staying at home.

                                              If anyone ever made fun of my lifestyle to my face, I would tell them off! It’s none of their business what I do or how I spend my time or money.

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