Is Mint Mobile a good unlimited plan for a broke freshman student?

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  • #100822 Reply

      Recommendation for an unlimited plan for a super broke freshman student please?

      He has an actual cellphone. Is mint mobile fine? Thank you!

      As a freshman student on a tight budget, finding a mobile plan that offers good value without breaking the bank is crucial.

      Mint Mobile advertises affordable unlimited plans, but I’m wondering if it truly delivers on its promises.

      For those who have used Mint Mobile, especially students or anyone with budget constraints, how has your experience been?

      Does the coverage and data speed hold up in various locations, like campuses or urban areas?

      Are there any hidden costs or issues that you’ve encountered?

      Any tips on making the most out of their plans would also be appreciated!

      Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

      #100823 Reply

        Mint mobile works but it’s a college kid He’s going to use a lot of data and they cap out at different amounts based on what you pay.

        The reality is visible is truly unlimited no throttling and unlimited hotspot for $25 a month with that he could even get away without having internet in his apartment as he can hook everything to his phone.

        #100824 Reply

          Mint mobile is fine. If it’s like 99% of campuses now, it will have WiFi virtually everywhere he goes anyway.

          #100825 Reply

            There is also the Lifeline program aka “Obama Phone” that he might be able to qualify for.

            #100826 Reply

              Sooooo many options for $15-25 a month. Not too broke for that or buy one less pizza.

              #100827 Reply

                I have been using Mint for 2 years already and used to avail the 5gb plan ($15 per month).

                Mint is fine but check first your location if it has a good signal with Mint.

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