Is my elderly dad, recently diagnosed with mild dementia, a victim of elder abuse?

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  • #99863 Reply

      My Dad is in his late 70s and was recently diagnosed with mild dementia.

      He has been trying to get his Phyisical Therapist license reinstated; via an attorney.

      (We try to convince him to let it go and just be happily retired but he is determined).

      On his most recent interaction and attorney he gave him $7500 check – twice.

      Now I heard that the attorney told him he is too old and to let it go.

      My Dad came home feeling depressed about it.

      I know I don’t have whole picture but I’m afraid my Dad is a victim of elder abuse.

      #99864 Reply

        If your father has dementia, someone should be going with him to appointments to ensure he understands information and isn’t taken advantage of.

        #99865 Reply

          I would go with your dad to the attorney and ask for an explanation and documentation of everything.

          If you suspect concerning behavior or legal malpractice, you could tell the attorney you will be reporting them to the bar if they don’t make it right.

          Also, work to get power of attorney for your father.

          #99866 Reply

            If he has dementia from here on out you tell him everything is good and look like you’re listening and understanding and do whatever you need to do.

            I learned from my step grandma, he’d say he didn’t live there and he’s ready to go home so she’d put him in the car and drive around and then he’d come to and he’d lead her back home.

            We got along with him fine for 12 years like that.

            I have knowledge now that it could be due to untreated periodontal disease so I’d have him in the dentist if he can take it.

            But we’d listen and go along and on the side do what we needed to do.

            He started to not make sentences well, and people would correct him and it would make him frustrated.

            If I looked interested and pretended I knew exactly what he was saying ….

            after a long time…

            he would actually get it out sometimes or at least be happy and make bad sentences.

            We’d have been happy if we could keep him forever even if he couldn’t do sentences.

            But thank God for my step Granny who knew exactly what to do and he lived happily until the day he died.

            #99867 Reply

              Reach out to the lawyer and determine when the lawyer decided your dad was too far gone and get a refund if he cashed both checks.

              If the lawyer talks, the state bar or the state Supreme Court (whoever regulatea attorneys) in your state will investigate.

              Every state takes thos stuff seriously

              #99868 Reply

                He should never have accepted anything beyond consultation fees from him.

                And the.

                Decline any future meetings.

                He needs to return that money or the difference asap.

                #99869 Reply

                  It’s difficult to call it elderly abuse until you have the whole picture.

                  One of the checks could have been a retainer for the services or other services.

                  If not used after a certain time the lawyer normally refunds the unused amount.

                  Try to get the whole picture first then contain the lawyer.

                  You may need the lawyer to declare your father incapable of taking care of his finances for his own protection.

                  #99870 Reply

                    these terms are thrown around very easily these days, esp on social media.

                    dont you think it would be more productive to accompany him, rather than allege serious stuff like this, flippantly?

                    btw, what has this got to do with this grp?

                    and why was this post even approved by the admin?

                    #99871 Reply

                      I know you’re not asking but Gotu Kola has been well researched to reverse dementia, a good brand is Gaia, their Mental Alertness contains Gotu Kola along with other good ingredients like Ginko and rosemary that improve memory.

                      You will see a difference if taken daily in less than a month.

                      Any health store should sell it

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