Is Primerica a good company for my Roth IRA? Should I keep it until retirement?

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  • #98467 Reply

      I am 53 years old. I’ve had a Roth IRA with Primerica for approximately 25 years.

      I have only been able to put $25.00 per month into it.

      Does anyone know if this is a good company?

      Should I just leave it alone until my retirement age?

      I don’t know anything about this kind of stuff.

      #98468 Reply

        Do it urself. Open a roth at fidelity. Talk to a rep or watch a YouTube video.

        It’s a fairly simple process.

        Do an “In kind” transfer

        #98469 Reply

          long story short, no.
          they are pretty much a pyramid scheme selling life insurance.

          I’d look at Vanguard, Fidelity or Charles Schwab as a starting place for investments

          #98470 Reply

            No, its not. Move account to Fidelity, Schwab or Vanguard.

            #98471 Reply

              Primerica is publicly traded – everyone here who holds VTI/VTSAX has profited from the fees you’re paying.

              Fidelity, vanguard, or Schwab are the usual go-tos around here for IRAs.

              You’d also want to make sure your money is getting invested usefully (in low cost, broad index funds) rather than annuities, CDs, or high-fee active funds.

              #98472 Reply

                Primerica is the ones who tout “buy term and invest the rest”.
                Undoubtedly they’re charging you a management fee which is unfortunately eating at your potential gains
                I’d move it to a self managed account if you’re comfortable doing that

                #98473 Reply

                  I think it isn’t as simple as yes or no – what fees are they charging you and what are they investing in?

                  If you don’t know the answers to these questions then we should start there and move forward accordingly

                  #98474 Reply

                    The only question is which company you should transfer the money to. I suggest Vanguard and invest it in VTI (a vanguard index fund).

                    Fidelity and Schwab are also very highly recommended.

                    #98475 Reply

                      Primerica is one of the worst companies for insurance. They are not there to help if give good info, most of the representatives have only done a week of training.

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