Is there a corded phone compatible with a Mint Mobile line for my family room?

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  • #100802 Reply

      Does this exist? I want my kids to have access to a CORDED (not smart)phone- one that I can install in our family room and add a mint mobile line to?

      Not ChooseFI necessarily but I prefer to keep our cell costs low and don’t want a house line ran. Safety, costs and no desire for my preteens to have cells that feels FI-ish to me

      I’m looking for a corded phone that’s compatible with a Mint Mobile line for my family room.

      Does anyone know of a model that works well with Mint Mobile, and if so, what features should I look for?

      I’m particularly interested in call quality, ease of use, and any additional functionalities that might be beneficial.

      Your recommendations and experiences would be greatly appreciated!

      #100803 Reply

        What about getting an Ooma account and connecting a corded phone to it?

        #100804 Reply

          So, we have cordless phones (charge on a base that is plugged in) that runs via VOIP so over our internet.

          It doesn’t work outside the house but no monthly bill because it’s just using the wifi

          #100805 Reply

            Can’t you just have a rule that the cell phone can only be used in a certain place, like sitting at the kitchen table?

            #100806 Reply

              Paracord is only like 8 cents a foot right?
              Get that phone on a D-ring from one of the joists!

              #100807 Reply

                We have magicJack. Runs over Wi-Fi. You can use a regular phone with it. It is easy and cheap!

                #100808 Reply

                  There are home phones that can be connected to your cell phone. But all I see is cordless.

                  I’m sure if you searched more you could find a corded one

                  #100809 Reply

                    Ooma sells an internet based home phone, Costco carried it when I got mine.

                    Can hook up to any standard RJ11 phone.

                    #100810 Reply

                      You can get a corded home phone. Same concept if you want the children in home.

                      Plus, cheaper than a cell phone.

                      Have a VOIP, I remember VONAGE used to be big because it was all WiFi.

                      I don’t know if they are still out there but you can connect to WiFi

                      #100811 Reply

                        Viop is the best you can get for what you are asking. Vondge, ooma
                        , magic jack if they still exist.

                        Heads up none of these are good for 911 reallibity.

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