Is there a faster, more affordable way to file a trademark than $3k/12-14 months?

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  • #105642 Reply

      I’m planning to start a new business with a unique trademark name.

      I spoke with a trademark attorney who quoted $3k for filing, with a 12-14 month approval time.

      Is there a more affordable and faster way to go about this?

      Are there faster and more cost-effective alternatives to filing a trademark, compared to the standard $3,000 cost and 12-14 month processing time? If so, what are the best options available?


      #105643 Reply

        I got some good advice from an entrepreneur friend a few years ago. Start making money.

        That is most important. All of the other details around your business like finding the perfect name, trademark, business entity, etc can come later.

        This actual reminds me of my teenage years when I played in bands with friends.

        We would spend tons of time on band name, logo, etc and less time actually playing.

        As an adult I have learned to play first, name second.

        #105644 Reply

          I use Trademark Engine, but you can hire an attorney on Fiverr for about $100. It does take at least a year though, that cannot be helped.

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