Is there a frugal way or place to get watch batteries changed? Besides doing it myself?

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  • #96775 Reply

      I have a couple gorgeous watches that need new batteries, but jewelers quotes are ridiculous (when did that become a thing?!). TIA!

      #96776 Reply

        Batteries Plus. You can also pay a little more and they will change your watch battery for life of the watch. My Seiko is 20+ years, alternate with Apple Watch.

        Same with key fobs. Definitely frugal move. They run specials on all kinds of bulbs and batteries. Good deal if you have folks with a hearing aid.

        #96777 Reply

          Batteries Plus for anything battery or bulb related. You can pay extra and purchase batteries for life of watch. Also helpful for car key fobs and cell phone batteries.

          #96778 Reply

            I just googled batteriesplus. It said 25$ for unlimited watch battery replacement. If so, phenomenal price.

            #96779 Reply

              Go to Batteries plus store. They replace batteries for the cost of the battery.

              #96780 Reply

                We have a local battery place and cell phone repair shop thar change watch batteries.

                Also, some watch batteries are super pricey and difficult to replace. I used to work in a jewelry department and while some watch batteries cost only a couple bucks, some cost $40+ and took over an hour to replace, so expensive quotes have always been a thing, you may not find much cheaper elsewhere.

                #96781 Reply

                  Walmart sells watch batteries but most won’t install them unless you bought the watch from a Walmart.

                  #96782 Reply

                    We have the Lifetime Battery from Kay’s Jewelers. Any time our batteries die, we go in and they put in a new one free of charge. They know us now and don’t even ask for the paperwork.

                    #96783 Reply

                      If you have Batteries Plus in your area they offer a lifetime battery and will change it for you.

                      #96784 Reply

                        We have a local jeweler that provides new batteries in exchange for any amount donated to the charity of the month! It’s Baileys in Raleigh NC so I know it may not be feasible for you but wish a lot of jewelers would perform this service.

                        Plus, it brings in customers that probably end up making purchases so probably a win/win!:)

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