Is unopened cream cheese frosting safe 6 years past expiration date?

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  • #107958 Reply

      Would unopened cream cheese frosting 6 years past expiration date be ok? Was in cupboard the whole time.

      I recently came across an unopened container of cream cheese frosting that has been stored in my pantry. However, I realized it’s six years past its expiration date.

      The packaging is intact, and it’s been kept at a stable room temperature.

      I’m wondering if it’s still safe to use, or if there are any risks I should consider.

      Has anyone else encountered a similar situation, and what was the outcome? Would love to hear opinions or any expert advice!

      #107959 Reply

        Use it for a gingerbread house this holiday season instead of eating it

        #107960 Reply

          risking missing a couple of days of work over $6 worth of icing is not very frugal.

          #107961 Reply

            I’m not huge on having to pay attention to sell buy dates, but six years is way out of my comfort zone.

            #107962 Reply

              I used to work at a food bank and you would be suprised how much food is good past expiration date. It’s loaded with preservatives and hardly any real ingredients lol

              #107963 Reply

                Open it. If it looks okay, taste it.

                #107964 Reply

                  “When in doubt, throw it out” has saved a lot of folks from gut wrenching sickness.

                  #107965 Reply

                    Room temp blend/mix together. 1/2 stick of butter
                    1/2 brick of cream cheese
                    1 tsp of vanilla extract
                    1 & 1/2 cups powdered sugar

                    You’ll have about a cup or so of vanilla butter cream-cheese frosting.

                    #107966 Reply

                      Being frugal isn’t worth being sick. Toss it. You can get new at the Dollar store.

                      #107967 Reply

                        You can’t eat that, the only exception would be if it’s been in the freezer this whole time.

                        #107968 Reply

                          I would open it and give it the sniff test. If it passes, try just a tiny taste test.

                          I don’t throw things out just because of a date if it has never been opened. Worth a try.

                          #107969 Reply

                            If it is, it was probably never ok to consume anyway.

                            #107970 Reply

                              Cost/benefit analysis. Is it worth it to save $3? How much is your time/peace worth if you were to become ill?

                              #107971 Reply

                                Not really but I would open it to see what’s what. Nothing to loose.

                                #107972 Reply

                                  There is frugal and then there’s borderline hoarding. The key, and wisdom, is to know the line between them. Never be frugal in areas that can cost you your health. ~ a nurse

                                  #107973 Reply

                                    Once you have food poisoning, you will never experiment with expiration dates

                                    #107974 Reply

                                      There are better ways to save money than to risk being sick. Health over savings.

                                      #107975 Reply

                                        I don’t play with dairy or meat items. A few days, maybe a month or two on truly canned items, but nothing in a box, bag or plastic.

                                        #107976 Reply

                                          What the hell kind of life you living where you contemplate eating something expired that long ago and only costs $2 to replace!?

                                          #107977 Reply

                                            I don’t go by expiration dates normally but absolutely throw it out

                                            #107978 Reply

                                              I wouldn’t chance it. My mom would always say, “If in doubt, throw it out.”

                                              #107979 Reply

                                                There’s a fine line between frugality and stupidity. And food poisoning.

                                                #107980 Reply

                                                  I wouldn’t eat anything 6 years past the expiration. If it last that long there has to be something wrong with it.

                                                  #107981 Reply

                                                    Better then starving sadly. A lot of the stuff donated is expired

                                                    #107982 Reply

                                                      You must be joking it’s cheese and it 6 yrs past its use by date. Dates on dairy etc are there for a reason.

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