Is watching TV a waste of time if I’m not near FIRE yet?

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  • #98777 Reply

      Do you consider watching TV a wasted time? We don’t watch a lot of TV but we like to spend a couple of hours at the end of the day watching TV and winding down.

      However, we are no where near FIRE yet and sometimes I feel like I should be spending that time doing something else to generate more income.

      #98778 Reply

        I think you gotta sacrifice for what you want but don’t sacrifice to the point where you hate your life.

        Gotta enjoy life along the way.

        Especially when you’re young and healthy.

        #98779 Reply

          TV is our chill time at night also. We work hard enough where at the end of the day there’s barely enough energy to function.

          It’s become sort of a nightly tradition for us.

          #98780 Reply

            Can you spend a little of that “few hours” doing something more productive toward generating income?

            Im burnt by the end of the day, so im definitely ok with unwinding.

            But if you feel badly, perhaps 1/2 hour on research or planning on another income stream and then watch your fave show.

            #98781 Reply

              We’ve been living without any tv for the last 20 years. We find life to be quite enjoyable without it

              #98782 Reply

                I believe there’s different seasons in life with different priorities. Sometimes rest is the priority while other times hustling is the priority.

                I hustled in my 20s so I can watch 6 hours of TV in my 40s (i dont go out in heat waves).

                Best is to determine what your life goals are and then figure out what your priority is now in achieving that…

                otherwise it’s too easy to just let your life go by on the couch.

                #98783 Reply

                  Eh. To each their own. I watch almost no television. My evening time is doing something active like walking or biking.

                  It’s better for my health which is better for my wealth. But everyone’s different.

                  If someone else relaxes by watching TV who am I to judge?

                  Balance and intentionality are key whatever you’re doing. So if you feel like you’re wasting time, get intentional about how you spend that time instead of just watching TV just because that’s the easy frictionless thing to do

                  #98784 Reply

                    Absolutely not wasted time at all. Yeah it’s good to have goals but grinding constantly is gonna burn you out

                    #98785 Reply

                      I threw my TV away once I gave birth to my son. I am without TV for more than a decade and I am fine with that.

                      A lot of my friends don’t have a tv and they earn very well.

                      #98786 Reply

                        Just relax and enjoy a good movie or show! We are not guaranteed to be here for the future you plan for !

                        #98787 Reply

                          There’s nothing wrong with winding down. If you feel unproductive, get an exercise bike or something and think of it as learning how to make your money work for you.

                          Once you FIRE your money will be the only one working, so get your mind and body in good shape to enjoy it.

                          #98788 Reply

                            We don’t watch much TV because we are just so busy all the time. We do Family Friday movie nights, we had to schedule it in to ensure we take the break.

                            I go all out with the movie theme to include dinner and dessert/snacks.

                            I wouldn’t change it out for something that isn’t family oriented time.

                            You could always read on the couch while the family watches TV or add in a board game if you are worried about the length of screen time.

                            #98789 Reply

                              Mindless TV watching, yes. Enjoying a few quality shows, no. Is reading or listening to music a waste of time?

                              We don’t exist just to earn. What’s the point of life if you don’t enjoy it…

                              #98790 Reply

                                Do a mix. Use the TV as a reward. When you accomplish ____ (read chapter of a book, finish a chore, update your spreadsheet/app) you can watch ____ (time or program).

                                This way you’re accomplishing both and alleviating guilt.

                                Great to use for kids. Rewards they earn rather than always getting what they want.

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