Is World Financial Group (WFG) a reputable company or a pyramid scheme?

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  • #104986 Reply

      “Has anyone had any experience with World Financial Group (WFG), particularly in their selling of life insurance products?

      I’m trying to understand if WFG is a legitimate financial services company or if it’s structured more like a pyramid scheme.

      I’ve heard mixed opinions, and I’d appreciate insights from anyone familiar with how they operate, especially if you’ve had firsthand experience either working with or purchasing products from them.

      Is WFG a reputable organization in the financial industry, or are there red flags to be aware of?”

      #104987 Reply

        Scam scam scam. Run away.
        He’s excited because of the commission he earn

        #104988 Reply

          Hell no. If they are not willing to tell me what it is ahead of time, I’m not willing to go.

          Period. I had this happen with a former colleague.

          She wouldn’t give the info and I didn’t go.

          They are under a lot of pressure to sell to friends and family and the whole thing feels so dirty.

          #104989 Reply

            He either wants to sell you a policy (won’t work) or recruit you to join his team.

            That way you can then get more people on your team and they can more people on their team.

            Someone will eventually sell a product and everyone on the upline makes a few bucks!

            #104990 Reply

              This group and life insurance are like oil and water. Run!

              #104991 Reply

                I’d run. Been there, done that with whole life ins. policy.

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