Looking for ideas to use up a large box of store brand honey nut Cheerios

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  • #82025 Reply

      Don’t care for it and I really don’t want to throw away. I thinking some sort of snack mix? Or cereal bars? I don’t want to buy a bunch of extra ingredients.


      #82026 Reply

        Take to a Food Pantry in your community. Food is needed everywhere. Have a wonderful day!

        #82027 Reply

          Put it Ina ziploc, roll over it with a roller or whatever, amd use it as breading or crust!

          #82028 Reply

            You can make marshmallow treats using cheerios instead of the Rice Krispie.

            #82029 Reply

              Do you flour things to fry? Like chicken tenders and such. If so, crush and use for breading.

              #82030 Reply

                Crush it up…mix it with a bit of cinnamon and butter (maybe a bit of sugar)…press it into a pie dish as a cheesecake base..or banana cream pie…or any type of pie you would use a graham cracker crust.

                #82031 Reply

                  Here’s what I would do with it. I would throw it in a large bowl, and in another bowl I would melt some marshmallows and some chocolate chips and some butterscotch chips, and maybe even some chopped up nuts if that’s your thing. Add some butter or margarine so that it will mix easily, melt it, and pour it in the same bowl with the cereal. Keep it sealed in a container or plastic bag and snack on it whenever you feel like it. It’s addictive.

                  #82032 Reply

                    Melt some butter in a heavy skillet. Dump in some sugar, and if you like cinnamon. Pour in the Os and fry until they start to brown. Toss on a cookie sheet in a 250 oven for 30 minutes, stirring halfway through. I never heard of fried cheerios until I was an old lady, but they are pretty darn good.

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