Looking for IVF benefit vendors for small businesses under 15 employees?

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  • #105100 Reply

      I run a small (less than 15 employee) business and we want to offer IVF benefits to employees. Is anyone aware of a vendor we can do this through?

      HRA caps at $10k/yr (not enough for IVF) and requires us offering it to all employees.

      Progyny only works with employers of 500+. We’re looking into Carrot and Kindbody.

      We offer best-in-class healthcare to all employees, but are in a state where even elite insurance doesn’t pay for IVF — so we’re looking to get creative.

      There’s always the option to establish a cash fund, but I’d like a third party so we are not directly involved in approving/denying medical claims for employees.

      Any insight?

      #105101 Reply

        I might have an idea for you. Have you ever heard of HMA? It’s like 50% coverage up to whatever dollar amount.

        I can share the info with you.

        #105102 Reply

          You may want to consider working with Cny Fertility. It is much cheaper and many find it cheaper to travel there than do ivf close to home.

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