Losing job-based insurance. COBRA vs. ACA? Agent or solo enrollment?

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  • #95805 Reply

      Health insurance questions – just left my job and researching options: Have many of you worked with insurance agents or do you just go through the ACA? Is there an advantage to either approach? Also – how quickly can insurance take effect? I.e. when do I need to sign up if I need it for June 1? I’m in the middle of decision paralysis – want to make the best choice!

      #95806 Reply

        Can only speak for ACA. It’s been good for us. Much lower premiums with subsidies than when we were working full time. We dropped to part-time which lowered income threshold.

        #95807 Reply

          I used an agent to help me through the ACA website, and to help me narrow down my choices. Well worth it to get help!

          #95808 Reply

            Call a broker and they will tell which is best, it was ACA for us. Didn’t have to pay. He told us to just go to the site and gave us his broker number to enter.

            #95809 Reply

              I worked with a few people on a low income and the agents basically just applied for ACA on their behalf. Only you don’t get access to your application if you want to look up any details.

              Perhaps for people not entitled for ACA subsidies there would be more options via an agent, but with the subsidies it’s a no brainer.

              #95810 Reply

                You can work with an agent to get an ACA plan, and it won’tcost anything extra. You experienced a qualifying life event so you can join a plan now instead of waiting for open enrollment. Your ACA plan should take effect on the first of the next month I believe, as long as you make your first premium payment by then.

                #95811 Reply

                  Im always suspect of a service that is “free”. Are they incented to push certain plans? Seems to good to be true.

                  #95812 Reply

                    I wouldn’t use a broker for the ACA. Even though it’s usually free, the ACA site (healthcare dot gov), is pretty easy to navigate and I’d rather have control myself. I went through an agent the first time I signed up.

                    It was quick and easy, but they created an email for me on their platform (unbeknownst to me) and all communications to me were sent to this email I didn’t even know about or have access to. Created a problem the next year when I didn’t even know the ACA policy had autorenewed for that following year.

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