Maximizing Refrigerator and Freezer Efficiency to Save Energy

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  • #106616 Reply

      Someone mentioned earlier about turning off the fridge / freezer at night to save money, as others pointed out you’ll potentially damage the food making you sick and the fridge has to spend longer to catch up with the correct temperature.

      A better way is to ensure your Refrigerator is used correctly so that air flows inside more easily and foods are on the correct shelves generally items that can rot quickly are on the lowest shelves such as meats, the drawers are for fruits and vegetables and the highest shelves for unopened cans, cheeses, butter etc if you don’t have a door compartment.

      For Freezers, it’s different using crushed up balls of Newspaper or old pieces of styrofoam to fill any unused space reduces the amount of air that has to be chilled and thus your electricity usage, and can simply be removed as you add more food.

      #106617 Reply

        Also keep the coils in the back clean, keep it 3/4 full and you can add milk jugs with water in the freezer to help maintain the temp if you don’t keep it 3/4 full of food

        #106618 Reply

          My fridge blows air from the top…all food goes on the top shelf. If it doesn’t fit… 2nd shelf.

          #106619 Reply

            Just asking, but how much $$ would you save on a nightly basis from a refrigerator and an upright freezer?

            #106620 Reply

              Sounds like a very bad idea. Unplug coffee maker, toaster oven, even microwave but NOT the fridge

              #106621 Reply

                I put milk in anything dairy and the top shelf shelf.And bay stay good for quite a long time never had a problem

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