Maximizing Savings: How Kroger Points Can Cut Your Gas Costs Monthly

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  • #104181 Reply

      I shop at Kroger and use the points to get cheaper gas once a month.

      If we eat out I buy gift cards at Krogers and 4x the point add up.

      This month we’ll get $1.00 off each gallon of gas and we fill up 2 cars.

      #104182 Reply

        I do as well. If you use their credit card, you’ll get even MORE off in gas

        #104183 Reply

          I always shop Kroger on Friday, because they give 4X the points if you click the coupon in the app.

          That’s the easiest way to make lots of points each month

          #104184 Reply

            I’ve never figured out how to get that much off each gallon. Is there something you do at the pump?

            #104185 Reply

              We pull our cars up on either side and pass the gas nozzle over so we can use up every gallon of discount gas!

              They let you buy 35 at once, I believe.

              #104186 Reply

                I used to buy all my gift cards at Fred Meyers and enjoyed the extra fuel savings.

                Until one of the gift cards showed a zero balance when I had put $250 on it.

                It was a card for my eBay shopping. Sorry to say I was told once it leaves the store they can’t do anything about it.

                Just glad I had used my credit card and they removed the charges.

                I no longer feel safe buying gift cards.

                #104187 Reply

                  I used to do that when I lived where there was a Kroger. So miss that Store.

                  They truly have the best produce & deli.

                  #104188 Reply

                    Here in Central Illinois we don’t have a Kroger we only have ruler which is part of the Kroger family

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