My washing machine has black stuff inside that I can’t get out with normal cleaning

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  • #81366 Reply

      My husband clothes are often greasy or muddy so I think that is what it is. I have a front loader and I’m 8 months pregnant. So, I need an effective and easy way to get it super clean. Tips?

      #81367 Reply

        Oh yes, have had this happen a few times from my husband’s dirty work clothes. Run a few cycles through with 1 cup of vinegar each and that should do it.

        #81368 Reply

          If you can reach it (inside of drum), use Dawn dish soap to cut the grease.

          #81369 Reply

            Run a washing machine cleaner through it and then run again so all gunk comes off should have a tub cleaner run.

            #81370 Reply

              I’ve done well by periodically running a hot cycle extra rinse with vinegar.

              For this particular issue… my parents worked in factories and their clothes were gross after a long hard day. So… separate his clothes out and wash separately. Run a rinse and drain cycle on warm… then add detergent and run your normal wash cycle but with an extra rinse. That ought to do it.

              You are contending with two separate issues

              1. Efficient washers use weight to determine how much water to use and it is clearly not using enough to get the job done

              2. When you wash with such little water… when clothes are really dirty, you are washing them in dirty water if that makes sense

              By doing a rinse and drain you are increasing the weight of the load… giving you more water for the wash. You are getting out the worse of the gunk so the water is cleaner for the actual wash.

              The other thing you need to do is leave the door open between loads and clean the inner part of the ring regularly. I took a rag from the wash… wet it… wiped inside and then threw it in with the load I was starting. As soon as I had the opportunity, I replaced mine with a top loading washer with an agitator.

              #81371 Reply

                There are washing machine wipes you can use but for future you must always keep the washer door open after using it!

                When you clean it, there’s a rubber seal that you need to wipe down, right inside the door. You’ll know you’re in the right place because the wipe comes out with slimy black stuff! you can use a rag, too. Go all the way around it-it’s a little tight-until you get all that gross stuff out!

                Once you get in the habit of leaving the door ajar, it won’t get that way again!

                #81372 Reply

                  Dump hubby’s clothes in a bucket with hot water and blue dawn and let sit a few hours. maybe swish it around now and then …it will break down the can also run out to lowes and pick up some ZEP grease remover and soak them in that prior to washing.

                  #81373 Reply

                    Pool shock-
                    I just went through this in my washer. I took bleach and let the pool shock sit on the gasket where lots of the mold was. I also cleaned where the soap goes with it and ran the clean cycle three times. I’m 8 weeks pregnant and while breathing that in is not ideal, mold is worse in my book. We took the lid off and there was mold on the mechanics so I sprayed vinegar water on it and wiped away. I now am dumping out the water that collects in the soap tray every time the washer is done and letting it dry in there, every time, to prevent this from happening again.

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