Question about social security – so it’s based off the highest consecutive earnings of 35 years

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  • #83638 Reply

      I was wondering if Roth conversions would count towards it? Or it wouldn’t because it wasn’t earned income? But then again, it was earned income that wasn’t taxed at the time. Wait, so which number does the SS program take into account when calculating my earnings is it my AGI or my Gross income?

      #83639 Reply

        And anything you earn over $160,200 (2023) does not have SS taken out, but that means your benefit is based on a lower income than you may have earned.

        #83640 Reply

          No, Roth conversions don’t count. The only income that counts is the ordinary income you earn and pay social security tax on.

          Btw – the income was taxed by Ss at the time it was earned. You just didn’t pay income tax on it.

          #83641 Reply

            Another thing is that the earnings that go into social security do not need to be consecutive. They are simply the average of the highest 35 years of social security eligible income earned.

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