Quick and Budget-Friendly Rotisserie Chicken Casserole for 6 Meals

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  • #103784 Reply

      Brought home a rotisserie chicken tonight along with a bag of broccoli. Made rice.

      My husband and I ate a nice dinner of chicken, rice and broccoli.

      While the rice cooked I steamed the broccoli and on the stove warmed up a can of cream of chicken soup with milk and added some velveeta and black pepper.

      Added some of the broccoli and then added some chicken breast meat and lastly added rice and stirred it up.

      I made 4 lunch meals with the “casserole”. So in all I made 6 meals.

      The chicken and broccoli cost $9.02. I had the cream of chicken soup, rice , milk and velveeta on hand.

      I’m guessing each meal was $2.50 or less and were good sized portions.

      Very tasty and less $$$ than ordering out at lunch and was very quick to make !

      #103785 Reply

        There is still a greater cost! I hate when these recipes quote a cost, not including the items already purchased.

        “Already had” or had in my pantry, doesn’t mean they were free.

        #103786 Reply

          I make homemade meals and dog food way cheaper than buying
          It premade
          And I know what we r eating

          It’s not that difficult to be frugal

          When you r forced to be frugal you learn fast

          #103787 Reply

            Sounds great!!! I like making chicken “taco” soup with a roteriesse chicken when I find the chickens that are marked down to half price at Walmart in the deli section.

            This would work well too. Thanks for the idea!

            #103788 Reply

              I get 4 rotisserie chickens at Costco at a time at $4.99each. I pick all the meat off and put into individual foodsaver bags for the freezer (abput 16 bags).

              I roast the carcasses and then cook for several hours for bone broth, which I can.

              I LOVE them!

              It’s SO easy to take a small bag of delicious chicken out of the freezer for a meal like you made.

              #103789 Reply

                I do something similar, I make fried rice with brown rice, and that’s so smart to add the velveeta and cream of chicken!

                #103790 Reply

                  Great job inspiring us and healthier then anything you can buy pre made .

                  #103791 Reply

                    It’s time for me to buy one too. I’m out of homemade chicken broth. I usually have containers in the freezer.

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