Recipes or tips for cooking freekeh, bulgar, farro, and black rice?

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  • #100580 Reply

      While researching to frugally get more whole grains in our diet, I’ve discovered freekeh, bulgar, farro, and black rice.

      Does anyone have recipes or tips?

      I’m interested in exploring different recipes and cooking techniques for some unique grains.

      Specifically, I’d love to hear your best methods for preparing freekeh, bulgur, farro, and black rice.

      Whether you have favorite recipes, cooking times, or tips for enhancing the flavors and textures of these grains, I’d appreciate any advice or suggestions.

      How do you incorporate these ingredients into your meals, and what are your go-to techniques for ensuring they turn out perfectly?

      Your insights will be very helpful!

      #100581 Reply

        Whilst I don’t have recipes for the above have you considered cannellini beans, borlotti or chick peas?

        They are virtually interchangeable in many Italian dishes for meat.

        #100582 Reply

          We love farro! It’s great in a Mediterranean style salad with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and feta.

          We also like shrimp farro salad with arugula and chick peas.

          If you do a Google search for shrimp farro or Mediterranean farro / Greek farro you will find a lot of great recipes.

          It is very filling and these salads can serve as the main entree.

          #100583 Reply

            I suggest going to the library and getting a Syrian cookbook. We accidentally found some great recipes and Alleppo spice!

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