Seeing a lot of posts about Mother’s Day. I’ve taken the liberty of creating a list of FREE things you can do!

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  • #81395 Reply

      Some of these are for your significant other, most of these you can do for any woman in your life.

      • Clean the house, use the supplies in the home. Costs you nothing, but your time. Wash the dishes, take out the trash. Light a nice smelling candle (safely).
      • Do a load of laundry, change the sheets and remake the bed.
      • Mow the yard, blow the leaves if you have the supplies to do so.
      • Wash the car, grab a vacuum and wipe down the inside surfaces.
      • If you have an apple or orange and some cinnamon and spices, set it on simmer on the stove with some water. Make the house smell great.
      • Massage her back or wash and rub her feet.
      • Write a thoughtful and appreciative letter. Think love and words of affirmation. This is a crucial step, take your time.
      • Make a meal with food already on hand in the house, be creative.
      • Walk around and pick wild flowers.
      • Make her a cup of coffee just the way she likes it. Think milk or creamer, whipped cream, chocolate or caramel sauce to drizzle, sprinkles or cinnamon on top.
      • Have lemons and sugar, make her a fresh glass of lemonade.
      • Walk around the house, find something that needs done, and do it! Especially if it’s something she’s mentioned she wants done.
      • See if you have the ingredients to bake cookies or some other kind of baked good. Don’t forget to clean up after yourself!
      • Set a warm bath, add some bubbles if you have some. Add a candle, a wild bouquet of flowers. Set out a fresh towel and clean pair of pajamas and slippers. Throw the towel to warm in the dryer if it’s cold. Play some relaxing music if she likes that.
      • Go to the library and find her a good selection of nice, romantic or mystery books to read while taking her bath… or whatever she likes to read.
      • Then take the kids and dog on a walk to the park, give her some peace and quite, and maybe a nice glass with her favorite beverage.
      • Take over bed time with the kids. Come to bed, watch the movie of her choosing, and rub her back til she falls asleep.
      • If you have the energy, get up and quickly pick up anything around the house that might have gotten messy again, not too long. Maybe a quick 10-20 minute pick up before going to bed.
      • A booklet of coupons of some of the above items, that she can redeem again throughout the year.
      #81397 Reply

        Wow, what amazing idea’s. I relaxed some just reading the list. Great job!

        #81398 Reply

          There’s no reason why some of these things can’t be done more often.

          #81399 Reply

            Every year I asked my kids and husband to donate their time that day to do things I needed/wanted done as we all know it’s easier to give a$ gift than your time.

            #81400 Reply

              I am with you! I don’t want any material gifts. They become a baggage with years and something that it is disposed. There are so many holidays in a year and if you gift something for every holiday, it is a lot of stuff that you don’t need in 25 years!

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