Should I keep my $600/yr pet insurance for my 6-year-old dog?

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  • #100980 Reply

      Should I keep pet insurance? Dog is 6 years old, will likely need orthopedic surgery at some point in the years to come, not sure when.

      I think it would be covered since we’ve had the same ins since she was a puppy so it isn’t a pre-existing condition.

      But could use the $600/yr to put towards credit card.

      And if I switch to a less expensive pet ins they may not cover the surgery since it’s in her records that she’s had some troble with her knees.

      #100981 Reply

        High yield savings account for pet care put the money you would pay for insurance in it.

        #100982 Reply

          I have two dogs age 7 and both are insured. One has several chronic illnesses and I just spent $1700 for his annual checkup at his internal medicine specialist.

          That is more than his yearly premium and he will need a recheck in January!

          He has a $100 annual deductible, no annual or lifetime limit.

          I am reimbursed at 90%.

          #100983 Reply

            I just got I think in the vicinity of 6-7k covered by insurance for orthopedic surgery and follow up care.

            I highly recommend keeping it

            #100984 Reply

              I highly recommend keeping it, you don’t know what tomorrow brings, and paying 600£ a year towards it is better than having to come up with 13k for back surgery.

              Please believe me

              #100985 Reply

                We have a problem child and I SO wish we had pet insurance for him. He’s had multiple bowel obstruction surgeries (now pre-existing issue) and it has been VERY costly.

                Our friend won’t get rid of their pet insurance because of him.

                Check into if it would not qualify and base your decision on that.

                #100986 Reply

                  I just received a notice that my pet insurance is possibly going up by 42%.

                  I already pay $136 a month for my almost 10 year old dog who has had minimal claims.

                  I’ve been thinking the same about possibly getting rid of insurance but concerned about cost of care if she needs something serious.

                  #100987 Reply

                    Personally I would keep it, if it’s records it won’t be covered by new insurance

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