Should I leave Job A for an 11K increase at Job B, considering benefits?

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  • #99778 Reply

      Leave job for a 11k increase? Stuck on benefits.
      Currently at Job A making 64K ; Job B is offering 75K so 11k difference

      Job A offers 125 percent match of the first 6 percent, Job B offers 50 percent of the first 6 percent.

      I am maxing out my employer’s retirement as that is my goal. it is vested after 2 years. I have only been here for a year and a half.

      Job A offers pto of 7.08 hours accural biweekly and can be rolled over up to 184, Job B offers 5.54 biweekly but pto has to be used by end of year or else it goes to 0, yikes.

      Job A offers 8 paid holidays, Job B offers 11 paid holidays and some ‘float’

      Job A offers tuition reimbursement of 5k/year, Job B offers 8k a year but only eligible after 6 mths and I havent been able to confirm if they are able to cover my current program.

      The amount doesnt matter since I take one class a semester anyway

      Job B offers stock program at a 5 percent discount.
      Insurance seems to the the same.

      I am on HDP to get the HSA.

      Both jobs are the same role. Both big companies. A is probably more well known.

      My role for job A is known to have high turnover and stressful but flexible.

      Job B has a more positive culture and people seem to be happy.

      I am overall pretty content with job A given the balance but do have some downs here and there.

      Both companies have room for growth.

      I have been with Job A for a year and a half now.

      I have already negotiated with job B and they are able to offer me this much after saying twice that it would be a final offer.

      #99779 Reply

        Just counteroffer and explain that the benefits would be lower making your new salary no difference in the end.

        You’d be surprised.

        My adult child did that, counteroffered and was approved!

        Good luck!

        #99780 Reply

          As an HR executive, my first question would be is why were you seeking a new opportunity in the first place?

          That in and of itself tells me that you want something more, something different.

          Based on what you shared, even financially the new position makes more sense, because your annual merit increase will be higher because your base salary is higher.

          In turn, that will increase your 401K contributions and match.

          #99781 Reply

            The 125% match of Job A makes me think this is far from an $11k difference.

            More like $6k if you’re maxing to the match.

            Rough estimate.

            You’ve only been at job A for 1.5 years and the differences don’t seem that far apart.

            My gut says go with the more positive work culture.

            It will mean the most in the end.

            So, Job B. Wishing you the best.

            #99782 Reply

              Overall, job B seems to have more pluses to make up for the PTO.
              Looks like you’ll be getting a better job after this like you would do with job A here

              #99783 Reply

                What is the vesting schedule for job B? PTO is often negotiable.

                What’s the timeline on PTO increasing?

                #99784 Reply

                  Assuming it only comes down to just finances (it never does), simply add up the benefits.

                  Does the higher 401k match and increased pto cover that 11k gap?

                  That’s what it sounds like you should be calculating.

                  Another question is would you be okay with the new benefits?

                  #99785 Reply

                    Have you considered telling your current employer that you have another offer with more pay but would like to stay where you are and see if they can increase your base pay?

                    #99786 Reply

                      Move, then you’ll find an even better one next and get great experience, good or bad.

                      You can be a superstar on your resume

                      #99787 Reply

                        Have you negotiated with Job A yet? Sell yourself and your accomplishments as well as the significant inflation and ask for the raise you deserve to stay competitive with market.

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