Should I pursue an MBA given the instability and lack of fulfillment in my corporate job?

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  • #98077 Reply

      Need a little career advice as I’m well on my way to FI!

      I’m 30 and have been in medical sales for 8 years.

      A year and a half ago, I was promoted to National Account Manager and am responsible for around $300M in sales annually.

      My net worth $504k.

      I love the compensation and the flexibility that corporate America brings, but the uncertainty of constant layoffs really make my want to stop and think about my career.

      I’ve worked for 4 companies and all of them have had massive/random layoffs every 3-6 months. On top of this, sitting on teams meetings all day is the opposite of fulfilling(although easy and pays well).

      My question is around spending $36k over the next 2.5 years for an MBA.

      Do you all believe someone in my position should pursue this degree, given corporate america is so up and down and it’s not fulfilling?

      Or should I be so thankful for the quicker than average start of my career and try to reach my ceiling in the corprate world by obtaining this MBA?

      Thanks all!

      #98078 Reply

        I am an engineer. I needed an MBA for a project and sent an email to all 420 local staff asking who had an MBA.

        Six staff in our office had MBAs.

        I knew every one of them well because all of them had worked on my projects in the past.

        Funny thing was…I had absolutely no idea any of them but one had an MBA.

        None of them had ever voiced a single cogent business comment in the 15-20-yrs I had worked with them CLOSELY on a variety of huge (multi-billion dollar projects).

        They were definitely NOT business focused/business minded.

        They did not think like a businessman.

        They did not think in terms of profits, margins, bottom line impacts.

        Some had their MBA for 15-yrs! And while I worked with them for years on various projects, I was shocked beyond words because they had no clue about business issues.

        So if you are not DRAWN to business issues and SEEK to solve business issues, then do not waste your time.

        These staff wasted their time getting an extra degree.

        Don’t waste yours.

        #98079 Reply

          Based on what you are saying. I’d use that $36k on a cash flowing investment property.

          Assuming you’re earning a lot already.

          What is this mba going to change for you?

          #98080 Reply

            Do you want your boss’ job? Do you want to consider a career change to something different than medical sales?

            If either of those is yes, or ‘more likely than not’…

            the MBA will come in handy.

            Hopefully as well your employer may pay for it (depends on the company obviously and you may get a golden handcuff, so keep that in mind).

            #98081 Reply

              How would the MBA impact your future? Definitely a person who would rather do a fulfilling job for less than unfulfilling and get paid more.

              Will the MBA and plans after help you be more fulfilled?

              #98082 Reply

                I would not take on additional debt to invest in real estate if your job isn’t secure.

                Have you thought about transitioning out of medical sales and going into tech related sales?

                All the tech salespeople I know are killing it and seem to always be in demand.

                #98083 Reply
                TJ Pridonoff

                  It never made sense to me to pursue one, but I don’t want to go into management.

                  I feel like my manager has even more pointless meetings than I have.

                  #98084 Reply

                    MBA holder here. Gone are the days where you are hot on the headhunter’s list.

                    I did it as I was climbing up the ladder as a diploma holder from night classes and I have sufficient work experience for direct entry.

                    Decades later, its just another piece of paper on my LinkedIn.

                    If I can turn back the clock, I will try for something like a CPA & LLB instead

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