Should I sell my home and investments to become a millionaire at 50?

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  • #100828 Reply

      if you had about 200 k in Roth, about 90 k in vtsax in a brokerage and 15 k in money market in brokerage acct and 90 in trad Ira and 400-450k in home equity.

      If sold, almost instant millionaire. 50 yo.

      Would have to find place to live (have some options) No debt other than a rental that is occupied.

      Annual expenses ideally 60-70 k.

      Just looking for feedback from the mind hive!

      #100829 Reply

        If your house is a townhouse or some other kind of strata, I’d sell it.
        A single family home- probably not.

        #100830 Reply

          Selling your home won’t raise your networth it will lower it.

          #100831 Reply

            I sold my house, moved onto a boat. I like having the chunk of change, and it opens my life up to nomadic travel which is engaging.

            #100832 Reply

              If you would rather rent, sure, sell the house. Don’t do it just to hit some arbitrary number on a sheet of paper through.

              In terms of strategy, I’d be maxing out traditional retirement accounts now.

              Virtually all your money is post tax now.

              #100833 Reply

                Not sell house. Or maybe downsize??
                Keep working contributing to assets.

                #100834 Reply

                  I would keep working and saving until my FI number is reached without accounting for my primary home.

                  I have seen way too many seniors living on $500 rent for years and then their run down apartments are sold to be demolished and all rent elsewhere is upwards of $1200 and they can no longer make it.

                  #100835 Reply

                    I’d stay put and keep working. Contribute to some accounts with more of a tax advantage.

                    You’re always going to have housing expenses.

                    Downsizing is an option, but I wouldn’t want to have to pay rent in retirement.

                    #100836 Reply

                      That’s not enough to retire at 50…. You’ll run out of money when you’re too old to work.

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