Should I switch from Kaiser Permanente clinician to a non-clinical NIH role for less pay?

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  • #97952 Reply

      I’m in need of career advice. I’m a clinician working for Kaiser Permanente.

      I am somewhat unhappy and feel burned out.

      I got a job interview for a non clinical role at NIH.

      I think this will help with burn out.

      I will end up getting paid approx 17k under initially when I make the switch.

      #97953 Reply

        FI = work because you want to, not because you have to.
        You get to choose the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your future!

        #97954 Reply

          I’m lean FIRE Pharmacist here- I went to a part time remote pharmacist job and part time golf course job.

          Since the switch I have had zero flare ups of my autoimmune condition.

          I now have time to see a dietician / chiropractor. Did my first 5 k in years.

          And training for a triathlon. No regrets here!!

          #97955 Reply

            If you reached FI then only work jobs you want to. Why stress?!

            I say you take a year to just relax, travel, do some volunteering and figure out your next steps

            #97956 Reply

              I’m also a clinician (PA) who left clinical medicine for other opportunities. I’ve never regretted it.

              #97957 Reply

                Yep for sure- you also may reap some sweet government benefits that money can’t buy if you hang in there for a bit.

                #97958 Reply

                  Sounds like it’s worth the leap if you already reached FI and want to pursue something that has a better chance of making you happy

                  #97959 Reply
                  TJ Pridonoff

                    If you reached your FI number, why jump straight into another job?

                    #97960 Reply

                      Are you a MD partner? Can you reduce your work hours to 3 days week to still meet your full early retirement?

                      #97961 Reply
                      El Yama

                        I was also a clinician for KP in a high stress position.

                        The worst for me was the constant micromanagement and the changing goalposts on what the expectation was.

                        Anyway I left for another job that paid way less for way less stress and I wasn’t even FI then but I would do that 100/100 times

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