Should I take a 100k low-stress remote job or 150k medium-stress in-person job?

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  • #107657 Reply

      Should I take a 100k low stress remote job in a low cost of living area or a 150k medium stress in person job in a high cost of living area?

      I’m at a crossroads in my career and need advice. I’ve been offered two job opportunities: one is a remote position with a salary of $100k and a low-stress environment, while the other is an in-person role that pays $150k but comes with a moderate level of stress.

      I value work-life balance and flexibility, but the higher salary is also tempting. I’m looking for perspectives from others who have faced similar choices.

      Which option would you recommend, and what factors should I consider before making my decision?

      #107658 Reply

        100k remote all day long. Trust me. That’s a no brainer. Remote and low stress in a low cost area? All day long. No question.

        #107659 Reply

          If something might cost your mental health or wellbeing, I would say, run away from it. Your health is more important.

          #107660 Reply

            If remote status is revoked would you be able to secure a similar position?

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