Silicone baking moulds/trays/pads – Do these have “expiry date” or a number of uses good for?

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  • #84547 Reply

      I have mini muffin silicone baking tray I simply love. I bake huge batches of both sweet and savory versions, freeze and reheat for breakfast or snack. However, it started to stick lately and no amount of oiling helps.

      Do these have “expiry date” or a number of uses good for? Mine is at least 10 years old and did at least 3 batches every week.

      Is that their normal “death” time/usage? Can I do something to extend its life, or simply get a new one? No visible damage, scratches, cracks etc. I also have a bread pan and it’s still going strong, although it might have been used less.

      *Not a native English speaker and spelling checker is acting up so hopefully no terrible writing blunders.

      #84548 Reply

        Your English is just fine. I don’t know if there’s a specific timeline but whenever silicone start to get sticky then I know it’s time to stop using them.

        #84549 Reply
        KC Cook

          It sounds like they’ve reached their death with time and how frequently you use them. It will be a good investment to buy new ones. If you don’t want pay for new, You might be able to find free ones on a “buy nothing” group. Or find them at a good price in a second hand store.

          #84550 Reply

            Yes they usually are good for about 10 years.

            Don’t forget to take a look at: Best home & garden use for expired (not fresh to drink, but not spoiled) coffee grounds?

            #84551 Reply

              You can always repurpose it for something else, like freezing herbs in water.

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