Simple Home Remedy for Allergy Eyes: An Affordable DIY Solution

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  • #106132 Reply

      1st, this is not medical advice. I have had allergy eyes for every season, for decades. I woke up with one eye stuck shut and crusty.

      I looked up what to do on Google. I tried using 1:1 with salt (pink is what I have) & H2O. The instructions were to use a cotton ball to wipe the eyes.

      I don’t have cotton balls so I cut up paper towels into small squares to swab my eyes. It works. I swab a couple of times a day and it is so much better.

      I feel in time it will go away…They stressed handwashing. Hope that helps others allergy eyes.

      Let me know if it works for you. I have spent way too much on otc eye drops and perscription.

      This is so inexpensive compared to them.

      #106133 Reply

        Johnson’s Baby Shampoo*Tear free*works great.

        #106134 Reply

          Don’t have an answer. But morning!? I’m turning lights off and heading to bed it’s 10:30 at night. Where are you?

          #106135 Reply

            When I was a kid, cotton wool or napkins + cold tea was the remedy of choice. I do prefer meds now as adult, though…

            #106136 Reply

              Perfect as it’s one of the old school remedies that works for lots of things. But also we should suss out underlying cause and eliminate what we can!

              I recently went to get my ears checked as one feels blocked, can’t hear out of it properly and it won’t pop on Heights!

              Turns out it’s caused by nasal congestion which in turn is a form of hayfever!

              #106137 Reply

                I’ve used tea bags before- lukewarm wet. Supposedly the tannic acid helps.

                #106138 Reply

                  I just use a folded damp paper towel every morning to wipe my eyes and my face. A humidifier in the winter semms to help too.

                  Glad you found a solution that works for you.

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