Stocks are down, should I throw 10k at them?

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  • #100270 Reply

      “With the current downturn in the stock market, I’m considering investing $10,000 to take advantage of lower prices.

      Is this a good strategy, or should I hold off until there’s more stability?

      What are your thoughts and what actions are you taking in this volatile market?”

      #100271 Reply

        I tend to buy things when they are on sale

        #100272 Reply

          Nothing different. DCA. Like always.

          #100273 Reply

            While the market is “down” this is the same level the s&p was at in June and then it was the all-time high.

            Not really a big drop from that perspective.

            #100274 Reply

              Up or down, DCA all the way!
              Just add more while down!

              #100275 Reply

                There is always doom and gloom in the market telling you not to buy but right now might be different.

                Warren Buffet is selling Apple and Bank of America, raising a cash position.

                Unemployment rate jumped to 4.3% from 4.1% in a month.

                There is a wall of refinancing that government and corporations have to go through.

                Rising tension in the Middle East.

                I’m buying short duration AAA bonds and going to wait it out.

                #100276 Reply

                  Robert Barron My plan exactly! If I withdraw 4-5% annually, and it on average grows 10% a year, I will always have growth (on average).

                  #100277 Reply

                    Slow and steady wins the race… keep on keeping on… or throw it in… then keep on keeping on.

                    My business comes with ebbs and flows, so I have a weekly goal.

                    Extra is that… extra.

                    Regardless of market.

                    I don’t know ANYONE, who invested 10k and it became a billion.

                    It’s consistency that wins the world.

                    #100278 Reply

                      Stock Market is the only store that throws a sale and people leave.

                      #100279 Reply

                        More downside to come but if you have money, you can dollar cost average and add over time.

                        #100280 Reply

                          If you have it, buy it. I stopped paying as much attention to the price and track the number owned instead…

                          this way I’m always going up.

                          #100281 Reply

                            Already maxing contributions from every pay check. 60% of my take home salary going to investments and cash bucket. I’m tapped out.

                            6 years to retirement.

                            Praying for 7% historic returns

                            #100282 Reply

                              Doing nothing. Stocks go up and down. Don’t time the market. If I have an extra 10k I would have already thrown it to the market since time in the market beats timing the market

                              #100283 Reply

                                Loading up on S&P 500 index and NVIDA. I DCA consistently, but I buy extra in fire sales. I don’t chase new things tho.

                                Just load up a few current positions.

                                #100284 Reply

                                  I am probably picking up NVDA. I sold half my positions at $130 and said if it dipped below $100 I’ll buy the same amount I sold back so this is what I am getting ready to do.

                                  #100285 Reply

                                    Studies show that the longer the money is in the markets the more your make. Meaning, if you have a large lump sum, investing it all at once is better than dca over months/years

                                    #100286 Reply

                                      If you have money you haven’t thrown in then just do so. You can’t guarantee it will go down more or up and there’s no point trying to guess.

                                      #100287 Reply

                                        Depends on your goals and current situation. I am stacking cash.

                                        We just bought our second home in April so replenishing and beefing up our emergency fund is #1 priority, then back to weekly investing after we hit our 8 month EF

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