What are affordable health insurance options for me and my child?

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  • #99933 Reply

      Alternative to market place health insurance. I started a new job that I took due to opportunity and increased salary, as a smaller company they do not offer group health insurance, I receive a stipend as part of my income.

      I have started to look into market place coverage and the cost/ deductible is insane.

      I do not qualify for any assistance due to income level.

      It would be for me and my 11 year old.

      We are both pretty healthy, my 11 year old has newly diagnosed @ ADHD and I would like him medicated.

      We had a ton of previous issues with my ground insurance paying for meds his doctor would try to prescribe so I gave up since summer was starting.

      #99934 Reply

        Similar. We will go off of Cobra which was insanely expensive. Marketplace isn’t much better / same price and more out of pocket.

        I might roll the dice and self insure. 3 kids.

        1 broken arm this year but still I would have paid a fraction of the premiums.

        #99935 Reply

          Indemnity insurance if neither of you has any serious health issues

          #99936 Reply

            Does the new company realize the large gap between the stipend and actual cost of insurance?

            #99937 Reply

              I would suggest to your new hr looking into Justworks. When I worked ft for a family owned startup they initially didn’t offer insurance but a year after I suggested Justworks they ended up using it to my surprise.

              #99938 Reply

                You can shop outside the marketplace, but it’s generally close to if not the lowest price for insurance.

                There are plenty of fake insurance companies around, but they aren’t well regulated and may not pay your claims if anything serious goes wrong.

                #99939 Reply

                  I went through an individual company for my son and the exact same insurance as the marketplace was slightly less directly through the company.

                  You might see what’s available in your state.

                  I’m in California and I just put him on anthem Blue Cross silver but off marketplace.

                  It’s still going to be expensive but it may be better than the marketplace.

                  #99940 Reply

                    It will not help for big things you can look for a doctor that provides Direct Primary Care.

                    They do not take insurance.

                    Only work directly with patients who pay monthly or annual fee.

                    #99941 Reply

                      You can look at Short Term Medical, but you need to get in now. It’s all changing 9/1 for the worse.

                      Be careful of the ‘national PPO’s’ and other insurance that claims to be like ‘just like the marketplace’ that’s all marketing tactics.

                      Signed a health insurance broker.

                      #99942 Reply

                        Did you call the marketplace?
                        Can you start a small business and run payroll? I’m looking into joining a ‘PEO’ post cobra finishing.

                        The freelancers union is who I’m looking to go through since none of my docs work with the marketplace. I’m in NYC.

                        I met with 2 brokers yesterday and they said they couldn’t help me due to preexisting and to do a PEO through a professional org and I think freelancers seems okay so far.

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