What are affordable, protein-rich meal ideas for clean eating?

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  • #103050 Reply

      Hi all! I’m newly unemployed and seeking help for meal prep. I have an autoimmune disease and I feel much better when I eat clean.

      Unemployment doesn’t pay out a lot so I can’t always buy meat.

      What are some protein replacements for meat?

      I know meat and tofu. But I’m looking for meals.

      I was thinking about Korean stews and black bean burgers. Things like that, I can eat bread I just get grain free.

      But that alone is $10, so I free it and treat it like a treat lol.

      #103051 Reply

        Because lentils were already mentioned: chickpeas are great
        You can make them into a crunchy snack, or hummus, or use them in recipes were you’d normally use chicken

        People have also found luck baking with them and dessert hummus is delicious

        #103052 Reply

          Lentils are a good source of protein. There actually is some protein in all plant foods some more than other.

          For example a cup of broccoli has 2.6 grams of protein.

          Beans also have a decent amount and have lots of fiber.

          I am vegan and never have problems meeting the recommended protein levels.

          Americans are rarely ever protein deficient but 97% of people don’t get enough fiber.

          Soy curls are another easy to use source of protein.

          They are minimally processed and I buy them directly from Butler foods.

          #103053 Reply

            Do you know someone who is a member of Sam’s Club? Ask if you can go with them so you can get a $4.99 rotisserie chicken.

            #103054 Reply

              Cottage cheese is high in protein for serving size. Yoghurt, milk, other cheeses are good.

              Beans in stews/chilis/soups are a great source.

              #103055 Reply

                I add peanut butter to my oatmeal. Lentils in spaghetti sauce, sloppy joes, chili…

                There are so many bean dishes.

                #103056 Reply

                  Ripe bananas, applesauce, avocado. Are ingredients that can be used to make desserts.

                  Watch You tube.

                  I know ther is avocado ice cream.

                  I made cookies with a rioe mashed banana baking soda and oatmeal.

                  Also if you need help a food bank can help.

                  That is why they exist.

                  #103057 Reply

                    Cottage cheese is a good choice. Also, not protein packed but bananas a fiber rich and a good budget food.

                    Peanut butter or any nut butter is a good source of protein too,

                    #103058 Reply

                      Learn to cook Indian food and Chinese vegetarian. Also, eggs and canned sardines are great convenient affordable proteins.

                      #103059 Reply

                        I love hummus veggie wraps. I make mine with hummus, cucumbers, spinach, bell peppers, carrots and sometimes tomatoes.

                        #103060 Reply

                          Eggs are wonderful! So many easy things you can make for dinner. We have omelets or scrambled eggs with vegetables once/week.

                          #103061 Reply

                            Broccoli is a great source of protein. Buy the frozen to help cut down waste.

                            Jiff peanut butter (no xylitol in ingredients) is a go to protein snack for me.

                            #103062 Reply

                              Eggs…omelets, egg salad, quiche, egg fu yong with veggies

                              #103063 Reply

                                Quinoa I make it beforehand and stir fry it with kale or spinach.

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