What are creative ways to repurpose overcooked, dry chicken?

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  • #107498 Reply

      Ideas for overcooked chicken besides throwing it away or grinding it? I recently ended up with some overcooked chicken that’s a bit too dry and tough to enjoy on its own.

      Rather than throwing it away or turning it into ground meat, I’m looking for innovative ideas to repurpose it into delicious dishes. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?

      If so, what recipes or techniques have you tried that helped make the most out of overcooked chicken?

      Whether it’s through soups, sauces, casseroles, or something else, I’d love to hear any tips or suggestions you have for giving this chicken a second chance!

      #107499 Reply

        Chicken noodle soup or shred it and put in chicken pot pie.

        #107500 Reply

          Shred it and throw it into soup or mix in sauce like bbq or buffalo

          #107502 Reply

            If it’s a chicken breast I usually just drown it and ketchup and power through.

            #107503 Reply

              Shred and mix with sauce. BBQ. Cranberry. Teriyaki. Whatever you like

              #107504 Reply

                Pot pie, chicken & dumplings, shred it & put it on a salad.

                #107505 Reply

                  Make some chicken and rice for your dogs if you have some. Add a few veggies. They’ll love it & you

                  #107506 Reply

                    Shred and add gravy for sandwiches or to put over mashed potatoes.

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