What are reliable resources for learning stock investing (index funds, etc.)?

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  • #105509 Reply

      I would like to diversify my stock holdings. I was wondering what resources people use to learn about investing in stocks (think index funds or other aggregations, not interested in day trading or anything active).

      Free (YouTube videos, etc) or paid (books, courses, etc) is fine.

      My goal is to find a pool of reliable resources as I will have low 6-figures to invest every year.


      #105510 Reply

        Retired guy here. Just buy a Total Market Index Fund like FSKAX or VTSAX. Wash, rinse, repeat… We retired in 2019 and are still 75% FSKAX.

        The rest I switched to fixed income to live on.

        #105511 Reply

          I use Morningstar and Yahoo Finance as my main 2 data sources – but you have to spend time coming up with a plan to know what you’re looking for

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