What are some tips for reducing waste at home?

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  • #104780 Reply

      What are some ideas to go no waste? Example, using dish rags instead of paper towels.

      We all know that reducing waste is essential for a sustainable future, but it can be challenging to know where to start or how to improve.

      Whether it’s food waste, packaging, or everyday household items, we’d love to hear the creative and practical ways you’ve found to minimize waste in your home.

      Share your tips, tricks, or routines that have made a difference, no matter how small.

      Your insights could inspire others to adopt more eco-friendly practices in their own homes!

      Any ideas would be appreciated.

      #104781 Reply

        reusable straws instead of plastic or even paper I use pyrex bowls with lids to cook, store, serve in (even less washing so less water used) I take photos of all notes etc instead of writing it down

        (no paper used) I buy produce at farmers markets or in no packaging Old t-shirts and towels are turned into cleaning cloths, pot holders etc I reuse all glass jars that other products come in

        #104782 Reply

          I buy food in glass jars and later use them for storage.

          #104783 Reply

            I shred all card board and put in the compost or use as a weed shield in my planters , have used free cycle and gave away stuff free on next door and craigslist

            (if I can no longer use doesnt mean someone else cant use – especially kids items), have reused all wrapping and fancy stuffing crinkle paper for years

            (yes I am the grandma with a bag full of old gift bags and bows and ribbons – that stuff is going to be reused!!)

            #104784 Reply

              I use washable fabric shower curtains

              #104785 Reply

                I use cloth napkins. I cut up old towels and zig zag the edges and keep them folded in a basket by the kitchen sink to use instead of paper towels.

                I throw the used ones in the wash once a week with hot water and bleach.

                I buy about 1 roll of paper towels per year for draining bacon and truly disgusting messes.

                I have thrift store/garage sale plastic plates and mix and match silverware I use for bbq’s and picnics.

                If something gets broken or accidentally thrown away it’s no great loss.

                I have saved thousands of dollars over the years just doing this.

                #104786 Reply

                  Reusable silicone ziploc bags, silicone covers that can stretch over bowls instead of plastic wrap.

                  Silicone baking sheets instead of foil/wax paper.

                  Wool dryer balls instead of bounce sheets.

                  #104787 Reply

                    I use shampoo bars and conditioner bars, bar body soap (no plastic – they come in a piece of paper or wax paper)

                    Use laundry soap sheets (no big plastic bottles – comes in a small cardboard box that is compostable)

                    #104788 Reply

                      Beeswax paper to cover stored items in fridge instead of cling wrap, laundry sheets instead of liquid in plastic jugs, bar shampoo, glass containers, find a store that does bulk dry foods and spices and bring your own containers to refill

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