What are the best and cheapest mobile hotspot options or alternatives?

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  • #100527 Reply

      Now that the ACP program has ended we can no longer afford home wifi.

      There is ONE provider in our area. Optimum. That is it.

      No one, not fios or spectrum or anything.

      We use boost mobile for our phones and are currently using our hotspots for home wifi but that will not be enough.

      I work from home and our daughter needs it for school.

      What are the best and cheapest options for mobile hotspots. Or alternatives.

      #100528 Reply

        Check with your daughter’s school. We were displaced due to a house fire and the school gave us hot spots

        #100529 Reply

          There’s another govt program that provides phone service. You can use your own phone because the one they give you sucks.

          We got it through assurance.

          Don’t use lifeline

          #100530 Reply

            Starlink is on sale right now, setup is $299. It is expensive monthly though, starts at $120. I’ve checked several addresses in a couple different states and been able to get service at all of them.

            I know that’s not helpful for a cost standpoint, but I wanted to share just in case it helps you.

            #100531 Reply

              Not sure how it compares to others but my daughter was ready to get a Verizon hot spot, it was maybe $30/month?

              I don’t remember.

              It would have been her only option but luckily found an apt that included wifi.

              #100532 Reply

                Some libraries rent out mobile hot spots, you could see if yours do

                #100533 Reply

                  We use AT&T hotspot. And run 2 computers, 2 tvs and 2 phones with no problem.

                  Our bill is 160 a month but we are paying for our phones and our hotspot as well as our monthly service.

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