What are your best bean recipes?

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  • #102686 Reply

      Beans are a versatile and nutritious ingredient that can be used in countless dishes, from hearty stews to refreshing salads.

      Whether you’re a fan of classic black beans, creamy cannellini, or earthy lentils, we want to hear from you!

      What are your go-to bean recipes that never fail to impress?

      Do you have a family favorite, a quick weeknight meal, or a unique twist on a traditional dish?

      Share your tips, cooking techniques, and secret ingredients that make your bean recipes stand out.

      We’re excited to discover new ideas and inspirations from your kitchen!

      #102687 Reply

        Garbanzo beans, fresh tomato, cucumber, red onion, feta cheese, Ken’s Greek Dressing (or olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper).

        Wonderful fresh salad.

        #102688 Reply

          I love beans but didn’t grow up eating them so don’t know many ways to make them

          #102689 Reply

            Mix together for a cold side dish or add protein for a main dish, Black beans, canned corn, red onion, balsamic vinegar + spices and/or beets.

            #102690 Reply

              How about a green bean recipe? Cut up cooked green beans from garden, diced onions, chopped fresh tomatoes, sour cream, salt pepper, garlic powder to taste.

              Great summer salad.

              #102691 Reply

                One pound of cooked drained hamburger, a large can of drained pinto beans, any medium jar of salsa, mix and heat.

                #102692 Reply

                  Hoppin’ John – black eyed peas and rice.
                  Red beans and rice or red bean soup.

                  I love smoked sausage with red beans.

                  Lima bean soup, my favorite.

                  Navy beans with spinach and Italian sausage or just Italian seasoning.

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