What are your best specific frugal tips that truly work for you?

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  • #113770 Reply

      What are your top frugal tips? I’m not talking generally, I mean specific things that have really helped you and you have stuck with.

      What are your most effective and specific frugal tips that you’ve personally tried and found to work?

      Whether it’s saving money on groceries, cutting down utility bills, or creative DIY hacks, share your practical advice that others can apply in their daily lives.

      The more detailed and actionable, the better!

      #113771 Reply

        I cut my sos pads in 4 and only use what’s needed same with magic erasers

        #113772 Reply

          Knowing where every penny I spend goes. Buying only needs for every day, and wants for special occasions.

          Self control.

          #113773 Reply

            I had to really start with do I need it? Or just want it? Stopping to evaluate some purchases has been quite helpful. I walk away and think about it. Usually I don’t go back to get it.

            Also on line shopping stops the instore impulse buying, but it has its drawbacks for me.

            I don’t order fresh produce on line, so often don’t have much of that on hand.

            I also make a “goodwill list” for items I don’t need immediately but can often fi d when thrifting.

            (A new to me crockpot or skillet). Good luck. Things are tight out there

            #113774 Reply

              The goal is to live debt free, the only debt I have is my house. How you make that happen looks different for anyone.

              #113775 Reply

                Meal plan every week and only buy what I need for the week from my list. And stick to the list.

                #113776 Reply

                  I’m on my second year of no spending except on necessities, $100 fun money budget for the month. The savings has been crazy.

                  #113777 Reply

                    If you use it every day, buy it in bulk.
                    Buying a cheapie standalone freezer, spending a dime to make a dollar.

                    And most of all, distinguish between what is a want and what is a need.

                    #113778 Reply

                      I wait 24 hours before making a major purchase. If I still want it after 24 hours, I buy it.

                      #113779 Reply

                        having a budget really helped, and honestly, the biggest savings have come from replacing our one-use items with reusable items, like, the savings are insane…

                        I knew it would but I had no idea just how many thousands it would save us each year.

                        #113780 Reply

                          Buy meat on the weekly sale price or with discount stickers. Buy enough for the month. Freeze it till needed.

                          Each week it’s a different protein or seafood.

                          This way you never pay full price!

                          #113781 Reply

                            Inventory what you do have. Had to clean out under my bathroom sink and seeing how much product I had… prompted me to do a no buy year.

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