What are your thoughts on the upcoming Texas Stock Exchange in 2026?

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  • #98444 Reply

      TXSE – Texas stock exchange. So Texas is going to have its own stock exchange in 2026. Just found out about this today and curious what everyone’s opinion is?

      #98445 Reply

        Probably less stable than their power grid!

        #98446 Reply

          Maybe Buc-ees will be listed.

          #98447 Reply

            Less regulatory scrutiny may mean lower cost burden to go public, but also means more likely to result in scams.

            But I think it’s overall a good thing.

            #98448 Reply

              Texas is all hat and no cattle. I’m a 3rd generation Texan.

              #98449 Reply

                I doubt it will have any real impact to investors, especially retail investors.

                Does anyone care or even think about whether a stock is listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ, or any other exchange?

                Most likely not.

                #98450 Reply

                  Texans…when they succeed it’s amazing, but when they fail…it’s spectacular.

                  #98451 Reply

                    Texas can find the energy to do any and everything else except fix this damn grid

                    #98452 Reply

                      That their electrical grid will cause the market to crash on the f’ing daily.

                      #98453 Reply

                        I’m a woman. I’m pretty sure I would need to ask my husband’s permission.. Next thing you know I might have my own income and my own property…

                        (With that said Ann Richards and her daughter Cecile are heros)

                        #98454 Reply

                          I’m from Minnesota. The thought of a Minnesota stock exchange makes me giggle.

                          It’d be like …

                          Pronto Pups, Prince albums, and lutefisk lol

                          #98455 Reply

                            It will not affect anything with my investing in anyway shape or form

                            #98456 Reply

                              I guess someone has finally made a go of Equities in Dallas.

                              #98457 Reply

                                It’s gonna be absorbed by NY like all the rest… signed a Texan.

                                #98458 Reply

                                  Canada has more than one exchange. “The TSX Venture Exchange is a stock exchange in Canada.

                                  It is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta”

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