What are your tips for navigating wealth preservation after a spouse’s death?

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  • #103860 Reply

      I’ve plopped into wealth preservation phase, my husband unexpectedly and tragically passed away.

      I tried retuning to my corporate job but with three kids, one with special needs, I just couldn’t make it work.

      What are your tips (basic or more complex) on navigating wealth preservation.

      What do I need to keep in mind.

      I get budget, and the 4% rule, but I’m freaking out starting to see those numbers slowly dwindle.


      #103861 Reply

        First off, I’m sorry for your loss; especially since it was unexpected.

        At the risk of insulting your intelligence you’re already time and possibly a grief counselor to help you recover.

        However, you’ve given us absolutely no information that enables us to advise you on your best path forward.

        We have no idea what your net worth is; which your monthly expenses are; how much money your husband may or may not have left you;

        whether or not you own your house or if it’s still on a mortgage; whether not you live a high or low-cost area …

        we simply have no concrete information upon which we can base our advice.

        please supply us with more details; that will enable us to hopefully provide you some guidance.

        #103862 Reply

          Well if you have been following the 4% rule the market has well exceeded that pace lately and you should not have seen any “numbers slowly dwindle”.

          Your investments should be net positive

          #103863 Reply

            There are special needs certified au pairs. Hire one and you’ll be able to get back to work with less stress.

            Depending on your income, some people actually hire two so they have more coverage depending on your children’s ages and needs.

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