What can I do with 4 lbs of fresh strawberries?

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  • #99690 Reply

      I’ve recently come into possession of 4 lbs of fresh strawberries and I’m looking for some creative and delicious ways to use them up.

      While strawberry shortcake is an obvious choice, I’m interested in trying something different.

      What are your favorite recipes or ideas for using fresh strawberries in unique and tasty ways?

      Whether it’s desserts, drinks, or even savory dishes, I’d love to hear your suggestions!

      #99691 Reply

        We freeze on a tray and then pop them in a freezer bag so they are separated.

        Whole or sliced

        #99692 Reply

          They’re wonderful on a salad, with walnuts and bleu cheese.

          #99693 Reply

            Slice a flash freeze. Then take as needed out for
            smoothies or smoothies.
            Toppings for dessert
            Toppings for pancakes

            #99694 Reply

              Or just freeze them in sections to pull out as you choose

              #99695 Reply

                Jam, jelly, syrup, chocolate dipped, freeze for later, pie, hand pies, jam bars

                #99696 Reply

                  Qe love sliced strawberries & pineapple toether, and jam is always an option, as is freezing.

                  #99697 Reply

                    Soak them in baking soda and vinegar to remove the nasties, crush or leave whole place in a saucepan boil down an until saucy looking and add chia seeds to thicken up, use as a topping.

                    #99698 Reply

                      Jam, freeze, strawberry cake, rhubarb strawberry pie. (freeze for future baking)

                      #99699 Reply

                        Strawberry pie in a graham cracker crust made with strawberry jello and the strawberries.

                        Add whipped cream on top when serving to each person.

                        #99700 Reply

                          Fresh strawberries turn up in everything, like vegetable (lettuce like) salads, coated (dipped choc) candy, and yogurt or ice cream accents, BUT easily saved in the freezer for the creative winter months…

                          consider the plethora of options spread out the blessings!!!

                          #99701 Reply

                            I freeze mine and make smoothies through the off season.

                            #99702 Reply

                              Make strawberry sundae topping, freeze for the winter when you feel like something yummy

                              #99703 Reply

                                Sounds like jam or preserves time. At the least cut em up light sugar and freeze em

                                #99704 Reply

                                  Stuff with maple cream cheese, chocolate covered strawberries
                                  Strawberry bread

                                  Strawberry cucumber slaw for chicken or fish
                                  Strawberry pepper, feta quinoa salad

                                  Strawberry blueberry quinoa

                                  Strawberry mozzarella farro with balsamic

                                  Banana s’mores (banana with marshmallows, coconut, graham crackers, chocolate and some strawberries

                                  #99705 Reply

                                    Liquados. (Mexican drink) Fill blender about 1/4 full of strawberries. Add milk til about 3/4 full.

                                    Add quite a bit of sugar until it’s the sweetness you like.

                                    Blend well.


                                    #99706 Reply

                                      Cut in half add a piece of mint place in ice cube tray. Add to water to flavor.

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