What can I make with soft raspberries on Weight Watchers, without desserts?

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  • #98323 Reply

      These raspberries are soft. Need to use them up quickly. I DON’T eat desserts & am currently on Weight Watchers. What can I make with them?

      #98324 Reply

        Mash up for pancakes/waffles, raspberry jam or sauce, vinaigrette

        #98325 Reply

          You can top a salad with them or make a grilled cheese sandwich with smoked gouda & Drizzle a tsp of raspberry jelly on it & add raspberries.

          So yummy!

          #98326 Reply

            Add to yogurt or I love raspberries in my oatmeal

            #98327 Reply

              Freeze them for smoothies or sorbet

              #98328 Reply

                Vinaigrette would be tasty on arugula with Bleu chz and walnuts

                #98329 Reply

                  Eat with cottage cheese on whole wheat toast.

                  #98330 Reply

                    I love to make cream of wheat with raspberries and chia seeds on top

                    #98331 Reply

                      Puree them with one banana and freeze. Yummy snack on a hot day

                      #98332 Reply

                        you can put them in your mouth and masticate them with your teeth.

                        #98333 Reply

                          Freeze them then use for ice in your water for the day.
                          Snack on them as they thaw & as you drink.

                          #98334 Reply

                            Put them in yogurt. Freeze them if you can’t eat them fast enough.

                            #98335 Reply

                              A nice refresher, mixed it with sparkling water + lemon/lime + mint

                              #98336 Reply

                                Yogurt, smoothie, freeze for later use, cook down and make jam., vinaigrette.

                                #98337 Reply

                                  Plain greek yogurt, a splash of vanilla, a package of sugar free cheesecake pudding mix and milk to get it to a rich, light, creamy consistency.

                                  Mix together in a bowl.

                                  Layer the bottom of a pan with graham crackers, pour the yogurt mixture on top of the crackers and cook those gorgeous raspberries down to a puree in some water, lemonade, whatever you like to get it to a syrupy consistency.

                                  Let it cool and pour it on top of your yogurt mixture. Chill in the fridge, let all of that deliciousness mix together and serve.

                                  Share with a friend or a neighbor.


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