What do people living in million-dollar homes do for a living?

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  • #103843 Reply

      What do these people do for a living?

      whenever I drive by million dollar houses…..I never realized before there were so many people that made over 150k/yr.

      I never made more than 120k in my 15 year career and that was only the last 2 years, before that was 85-90.

      People be like yeah trying to decide if I can retire, I make 350k, spouse makes 200k blah blah….I could retire after 2 years of that salary!!

      #103844 Reply

        This has been my biggest lesson from $350k earners crying about retirement??

        Give me 2 years with that salary and I’m set for life.

        #103845 Reply

          I’ve never made more than 70k/ yr. And that lasted about 6 months before I resigned completely.

          #103846 Reply

            I don’t know a single other person who makes what I do in my personal life and they live just fine.

            #103847 Reply

              I’m here at my house would not be one of those that you wondered what I did.

              If I listed my income it would make you feel very proud of yourself.

              And I retired at 55. I’m living just as well now, maybe better, then I did when I was working.

              Keys to my success was number one living debt free.

              Number two always living below my means and always investing for the future.

              And number three starting to invest for the future young.

              Everyone knows they’re going to need to retire one day and yet very few people start working on it early.

              And then they seem surprised when they turn 50 and they realize they’re going to need to retire one year.

              Don’t let other people’s big numbers get you down. Use them as hope.

              I never feel bad about where I’m at because other people make more or have more. I look at that as proof that I can get there too.

              I do look at the fact that most people can’t handle a $500 emergency out of cash and I can.

              An even smaller number of people can handle a $2,000 emergency, and again I can.

              Find the things that you are doing better than the norm and celebrate it.

              The things that you’re not doing as good in, let that motivate you.

              #103848 Reply

                I feel you. We’re just trying to make it out here as a mechanic and a stay at home mom.

                I’m hoping to pick up advise along the way from this group, but it’s really hard to constantly hear about the high salaries other people make

                #103849 Reply

                  High income = high taxes. Add in high expenses and lifestyle creep, it is really not as much as you think when they will need a higher FIRE number to sustain.

                  People who has discipline with saving will reach FIRE faster even when their income is lower because their expenses are likely lower too.

                  #103850 Reply

                    These days, $150k/year won’t get you a million dollar house. Well, I guess you might qualify for it, but you’d be house poor and no saving for nothing.

                    We are just amazed by how much we make and how far it doesn’t go – and our expenses are reasonable (we don’t enjoy spending money).

                    Talking with my bro-in-law recently, he said, “… but you pretty much gotta make that much these days just to do the basics, don’t you.” And it’s true.

                    As others have said, “$100k is the new middle class,” but I think it’s more like $150k if you want to fully fund your 401k and still afford a decent vacation or a similar extra 1x a year.

                    #103851 Reply

                      I hear you. My hubby and I only bring in 150 between the two of us, and we have two kids in high school and college.

                      I’m disabled now and can barely work.

                      We have no money for our kids for college but we make too much for them to get any financial aide.

                      I’m already 60 and hubby is 57 and at this rate we will never retire.

                      We have zero debt, perfect 850 credit, but we can’t afford to retire. It bites.

                      We’ve worked super hard for decades, but as a High school English teacher…

                      doesn’t pay much.

                      #103852 Reply

                        I’m more impressed with couples who stay faithful and married
                        Children who respect their parents

                        And a high credit score with low debt.

                        Mindset is more of what matters here!

                        Remember the rich are not necessarily happier, quite the opposite, God brings that joy and peace and offers that to everyone!

                        If you want it, you’ll make it happen. Patience and commitment

                        #103853 Reply

                          Don’t let that discourage you. There’s also stories out there of lifelong janitors who retired with millions.

                          It’s not about what you make, it’s about what you can save and invest.

                          Comparison is a thief of joy.

                          Make a plan for you and stay focused on that.

                          There will always be someone richer, prettier, etc.

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