What do you all do with any rollover money?

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  • #82835 Reply

      I know “zero based” is supposed to have 0.00 leftover… But I’m too afraid of that so I leave $50 or less budgeted as leftover…

      So, what to do with the leftover change so to speak?

      Add to next paycheck as income to use.. savings… payments… just curious what you’ve found works for you. Thanks

      #82836 Reply

        For me, a zero based budget does not mean having zero in my checking account.

        It just means giving every dollar a plan. In my budget I have $100 labeled as cushion so slowly builds up in my cushion. Once my account balance gets over my desired amount, I will put the difference towards my financial goal.

        This cushion is my starting balance in the paycheck budget method.

        #82837 Reply

          Do you have a buffer? Zero based budget doesn’t mean $0 in your account by the end of the month. It means you’re giving every single dollar a name. And if that $50 is your buffer, then you’re good.

          #82838 Reply

            I roll it over into the next budgeting period. Sometimes I need to to make sure we have enough for spending/a cushion. We are heavily paid at the beginning of the month because of VA, my monthly salary, and usually one of my husbands biweekly checks.

            I’m planning on rolling over some this period into the next budget period starting the 16th just for peace of mind. I still deposit into savings while doing this.

            #82839 Reply

              I would consider that your “cushion” and that way it’s still budgeted. And either leave it for your next cushion or roll it into savings.

              #82840 Reply

                Like Taren said, zero based just means every dollar is accounted for not that there is literally 0 dollars in your account. You could give it the job of being the bill/account cushion so your account doesn’t actually get to 0 or like Nish mentioned, applying it towards debt or sinking funds later.

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