What foods and snacks can I buy for diabetes given my allergies and limited stores?

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  • #105857 Reply

      Found out I have diabetes on Friday. I am NOT handling it well. I’ll be 43 in December. There is family history so I shouldn’t be a shocked as I am but it’s still VERY new and I’m still VERY angry.

      I need all the foods and snacks for diabetes, and where to buy stuff at somewhat decent prices.

      (We only have Wal Mart, Aldi, King Cash Saver. We also have a Sam’s membership.

      I am allergic to BLUEBERRIES and KIWI. I also don’t have a gallbladder so snacks and meals that I can eat with all those issues.

      I am already somewhat picky so the stuff I eat is stuff I know I’ll like but now I cannot eat most of if.

      #105858 Reply

        I have diabetes and no gallbladder. I eat whatever I want in moderation. I’m on Metformin.

        Try looking at the FDA website for diabetes advice for following the plate method.

        There is also a great group here on FB that has helped me a lot. It’s called Type 2 Diabetes Support for Women.

        #105859 Reply

          Does your insurance cover a meeting with a dietician? That would be helpful!

          #105860 Reply

            Don’t eat white… bread, rice, potatoes…. I just modify… eat jerky, nuts, crunchy veggies, flavored water. Read labels, lots of proteins

            #105861 Reply

              hugs I remember when I was d’xed at 37. my a1c is managed well and just eat healthy. you…can, contrary to popular belief, reverse it!

              #105862 Reply

                My mom has it and keto/low carb stuff works. Aldi has lots of options at good prices.

                #105863 Reply

                  Beans are fabulous for blood sugar. Chili, bean soup, etc for easy meals.

                  Eggs, egg white omelets, sugar free yogurt are great for breakfast. Strawberries. Stir fry, skip the rice.

                  #105864 Reply

                    PLEASE see if your insurance will cover an appointment with a Diabetic Dietitian! There is so much to learn about the do’s and don’t and so many helpful hints.

                    My dad went from being scared to fairly confident. He brought my mom and they both took notes.

                    Also – consider joining some groups for your health issue

                    #105865 Reply

                      On April 23 my doctor told me I was diabetic, with a 6.7 A1C. I was not scared, I was mad! I knew it was my own fault.

                      Lots of weight gain in recent years, lousy portion controls, carbs with pretty much every meal.

                      I refused the Metformin and told doc that when I retested in 3.5 months, I would no longer be diabetic.

                      From that day to now, I’ve had no potatoes, no rice, no noodles/pasta, no bread. No fruit, no sweets, no milk, no yogurt.

                      I eat meats, eggs, lots of (non starchy) vegetables, salads. It has not been difficult at all for me.

                      Easiest “diet” I’ve ever been on, because I am motivated! I also do a moderate intermittent fasting, I generally don’t eat until after noon.

                      At my recheck, I’d lost 27 pounds and my A1C was down to 5.8; very lowest of the pre diabetic range.

                      So, I’m not diabetic, but I am continuing and will get out of the pre diabetic range as well.

                      And get my weight down more. It can be done!
                      And, btw, I feel great!

                      #105866 Reply

                        Nuts, blocked cheese, raw vegetables and salad,
                        Plain 0% Greek yogurt.
                        Try to avoid bread

                        #105867 Reply

                          First, stop eating junk.
                          Second, eat as many veggies as you can instead of red meat. Stop eating high salt foods.
                          I’ve been diabetic for 35 yrs.

                          #105868 Reply

                            I would ask for a referral for a consult with a dietitian. They will be able to personalize a food plan with your individual preferences and food availability in mind.

                            It can be overwhelming in the beginning anytime you change the way you are eating.

                            But a dietitian can help make you more comfortable making good choices in any situation.

                            #105869 Reply

                              On line shopping makes it easier to look at food labels. Set a carb goal for each meal and snack and shop accordingly.

                              #105870 Reply

                                I have gone to Diabetes classes free of charge several times.
                                Contact County Court house for information.

                                #105871 Reply

                                  Don’t try to change everything at once. Make a few modifications at a time.

                                  Things like changing to whole grain breads and pasta is a start.

                                  Start walking after dinner or lunch a little.

                                  #105872 Reply

                                    I also have a lot of type 2 in my family. I am 78 and have been diabetic for 20 years.

                                    I have tried Metformin and have trouble with the side effects.

                                    I suggest you develop the habit of paying attention to the amount of carbohydrates in each serving of food you eat.

                                    Total carbohydrates is more important than sugar content because the sugar is included n the carb count.

                                    #105873 Reply

                                      Apply Cater oil over your liver and pancreas. Look for a naturopathic doctor who can help. you make life changes and not just prescribe medications.

                                      #105874 Reply

                                        Hi! I have diabetes type 2- and it doesn’t run in my family so it was quite the shock!

                                        Take all the classes you can if your insurance offers them- I learned a ton!!

                                        The best advice (other than all the food stuff!) and what works the best is- take a walk after dinner.

                                        Well- any meal but dinner is typically the biggest.

                                        The walk literally will pull sugars (glucose) out of your blood to replenish what is used in your muscles during the walk.

                                        Doesn’t have to be an exertion or long- start with ten minutes up to twenty. Works to pull down my sugars great!

                                        If you can take a short walk after every meal – great!

                                        #105875 Reply

                                          Get a Dexcom. The Dr can prescribe it.
                                          Makes a world of difference.

                                          #105876 Reply

                                            I eat oatmeal for breakfast with a handful of walnuts, banana slices over it and a 1/2 tbsp brown sugar.

                                            #105877 Reply

                                              I just got pre diabetes. I eliminated desserts. Lost 10 lbs and my A1C is back to normal!! Eat whole wheat bread. Only sweets is pb and j sandwich. Honey on bread.

                                              A little brown sugar on my oatmeal. Dietician said to eat nuts!! Stay away from white breads, sweets, potatoes. Starchy things. You can do it.

                                              I don’t miss ice cream every night. Cakes, cookies. I walk daily. She said to keep exercising.

                                              Dietician said stay away from juice, açaí bowls. Loaded with sugar.

                                              I thought the bowls were healthy. I was eating 2x week!! Just use honey, syrup, jelly lightly. I was loading it on

                                              #105878 Reply

                                                I really would ask a doctor or dietician. You have a few restrictions that are medically complex.

                                                I’m sorry you’re going through this.

                                                I would be so angry too to be diagnosed with a life long disease.

                                                I hope you can accept it soon and still live life to the fullest.

                                                Take time to grieve about it. Good luck and hope all is well with your health soon enough!

                                                #105879 Reply

                                                  Go to a library and read books on diabetes.
                                                  That’s your first step. Type 2 diabetes is reversible.

                                                  #105880 Reply

                                                    Carb counting… look for low carb food lists and make you a menu from the foods you like

                                                    #105881 Reply

                                                      You can get your doctor to prescribe you oxempuc and that will help you keep weight off and make you feel better they only prescribed it to diabetic I think 2 or something

                                                      #105882 Reply

                                                        It is not about the snacks and eliminating sugar, it is more about portion control and balance your meal schedule and food intake.

                                                        #105883 Reply

                                                          You need to meet with a nutritionist to learn the nutrition guidelines. Once you learn them, you can tweak them to your needs.

                                                          Just like a recipe, establish your control model first. There are tons of diabetic groups on FB, find the ones with what you are looking for.

                                                          #105884 Reply

                                                            Stick to lean meat proteins, non starchy vegetables, & low glycemic fruits.

                                                            Cut out sweets & white bread/rice/pasta. Whole grains digest slower. Limit carbs.

                                                            Flavored water will be your best friend. Think crystal light packets.

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