What investment would you recommend for someone who is in early 20s, and looking for high risk/high reward?

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  • #86904 Reply

      Still living at home with my parents so little to no expenses. 401k, Roth, HSA, emergency fund all maxed.

      #86905 Reply

        Indexed Universal Life policy. Money is guaranteed to not lose money because it is an indexed strategy and you get tax benefits because it is tax advatanged and it is a permanent policy meaning you keep it for the rest of your life to make an investments you need. Best policy for cash accumulation 😀

        #86906 Reply

          If risk isn’t a problem, invest in companies that make products you like.

          Bought Apple in 2007 and have only ever regretted not buying more.

          #86907 Reply

            Info tech mutual funds. You will be more diversified than individual stocks and over the next 30 years tech will take over.

            #86908 Reply

              Stock market (long term and day trading) is what I prefer to put my money that I am willing to take risk.

              Put 70% in long term portfolio and 30% in day trading.

              Ofcourse, you have to spend time to learn value investing and intraday trading. That is the best investment in terms of skill building and wealth generation.

              Would you also like to explore: Tell me about managing your own investments without a financial advisor

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