What is a thoughtful, budget-friendly gift for a frugal minimalist friend?

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  • #97828 Reply

      I need a nice gift for a frugal minimalist and I am stumped.
      Long story short, after severe Monsoon storms took the roof off of my home in Tucson on Sunday my family needed a place to stay.

      A distant friend of mine offered to let us stay in her home while she is away traveling for work.

      We have been in her home since and will be moving into a short term rental soon.

      I would like to give her something as a token of appreciation for her generosity. We will have been in her home for a week.

      What is appropriate?

      Please keep in mind we are on a very tight budget due to current circumstances ourselves. Thanks

      #97829 Reply

        Fresh Flowers, clean sheets, clean house, full fridge and a handwritten thank you note.

        #97830 Reply

          Leaving her home in great condition would be the greatest gift along with a thank you card.

          #97831 Reply

            Clean the house well, restock with the same brands she already had, fold the towels in origami, weed the garden, … That’s what I would want.

            #97832 Reply

              Leave it better than you found it; leave a small vase of flowers and a lovely thank you note.

              #97833 Reply

                Put a couple of nice homemade meals in her freezer. Lasagna maybe?

                #97834 Reply

                  Clean the house and have food in the fridge with a thank you note

                  #97835 Reply

                    If she’s a minimalist something consumable like food. Please don’t give her “stuff” unless you know it’s something she wants or needs (and also wants).

                    It’s sometimes stressful for minimalists to receive gifts they don’t want to store but also don’t want to offend the gift giver.

                    #97836 Reply

                      Are you in marana? That storm was nuts! Yet our house in corona got hardly nothing.

                      Id make sure the house is clean and get her a gift card to her favorite restaurant or take her out after you move into the rental.

                      #97837 Reply

                        If she is a frugal minimalist yes definitely leave the house clean but leave her a note/card of how grateful you are to her.

                        Pour your heart out then have everyone sign it.

                        She will appreciate this so much because it came from the heart

                        #97838 Reply

                          Leave it cleaner than you found it and perhaps a homemade batch of cookies or cinnamon’s rolls if they are returning any time soon?

                          If not, a hand written thank you not a I’ll suffice and I’m sure they don’t want you spending any extra $ at this time.

                          #97839 Reply

                            If she travels…how about a giftcard fir eats while away from home? Of course clean the house thoroughly, replace anything you used.

                            And maybe a bouquet of flowers if you know when she is coming home.

                            #97840 Reply

                              You can tell by looking what she likes to eat, make something for when she gets home she won’t have to cook anything.

                              If anything has been used up, replace it. Wash the sheets and make her home look like no one was ever there.

                              Of course a beautiful hand written thank you note.

                              #97841 Reply

                                Go goodwill get a pretty vase and buy some flowers don’t have to be expensive .

                                #97842 Reply

                                  I would say leave the house better than you got it clean bed and Yard when you know she’s coming home.

                                  Have a few fresh groceries and a thank you note. God bless her for being able to help you.

                                  #97843 Reply

                                    Emergency preparedness gizmos! Luminaid solar lights are my go to. They save the day in a pinch.

                                    #97844 Reply

                                      Given the circumstances of why you stayed and your current situation-leaving the house clean and a thank you note is sufficient.

                                      When things improve, you can gift her a nice coffee, tea or pastry.

                                      #97845 Reply

                                        Gift card to a grocery store. If she is frugal like you it will be appreciated

                                        #97846 Reply

                                          Maybe a gift card that they’d use within a cup/glass/mug with a couple of other cute things.

                                          #97847 Reply

                                            Spices for cooking. Boxes of tea. Local honey. Nice-ish maple syrup. Hand soaps or a cute cleaning set from Mrs Meyers.

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