What is your favorite version of FIRE and why?

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  • #103174 Reply

      The FIRE movement has many variations, from LeanFIRE to FatFIRE, CoastFIRE, BaristaFIRE, and more.

      Each approach offers a different pathway to financial independence, depending on lifestyle goals, savings strategies, and personal values.

      We’re curious to hear about your favorite version of FIRE. What appeals to you most about it?

      Is it the freedom to live frugally, the ability to maintain a higher standard of living, or the flexibility to balance work and life in a unique way?

      Share your insights and experiences!

      #103175 Reply

        If we could clarify the differences between Coast, Barista, and Flamingo, I would appreciate it, because those three seem pretty similar.

        #103176 Reply

          Fat fire. as a clarification i dont think fire people mean retirement in the way 70 year olds used to mean it.

          ive got no plans to sit by a pool for however many decades.

          but to me I basically wanna be able to do whatever I want and also absorb dramatic changes in my tastes over time.

          to me that requires fat fire.

          in my mind thats 20k plus a month after tax and at least indexed to inflation.

          for someone else it could require much more

          #103177 Reply

            Being born rich and never hearing about FIRE cuz money just flows from the faucet.

            Maybe in my next life

            #103178 Reply

              Coast because you can stop stressing and keep living

              #103179 Reply

                FATFIRE has been nice because I can live lavishly with out a concern I will over spend.

                I think even regular FIRE can do this as long as you give yourself a buffer FIRE number.

                #103180 Reply

                  Fat fire because I want to live a large life and enjoy what I earned. There’s not shortcuts and squirreling pennies away is no way to live after a certain amount of time.

                  Put the work in early and focus on earning more.

                  Automate saving and investing so you can focus on earning more.

                  #103181 Reply

                    BaristaFIRE because it’s important to have a purpose and feel valued but nice to do it on your own terms and not have to work full time.

                    #103182 Reply

                      Dad Bod FIRE! Not Fat not lean – right in the middle

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