What should a 29-year-old do with a >$10k IRA rollover during a market downturn?

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  • #100709 Reply

      I recently (finally) rolled over my first ever 401k to an IRA and I need some advice on what to do with it.

      With the market being down it’s a perfect time for it but I want to make wise choices regarding it.

      So, what would you do with a >$10k chunk as a 29 year old?

      For context I do have other 401ks and a Roth that will max for the first time this year.


      #100710 Reply

        you rolled it over excellent! As mentioned ignore the naysayers about the market.

        When I was 29 that’s when I figured out to ignore the news.

        The number one thing is for you to understand what you are investing in.

        S&P 500 funds (many to choose from but mostly the same) are very popular.

        If you understand what it is, invest in that.

        I use Vanguard but I’m boring and old.

        We are all very proud of you Megan! Keep shaking and learning and you’ll get there.

        #100711 Reply

          I myself would pick VTSAX and/or VOO and chill!!! This would be in Vanguard

          #100712 Reply

            I mean I wouldn’t have rolled it over. But since you’ve already don’t that now all that’s left is to invest it.

            #100713 Reply

              Don’t worry about the current market, you’re in for the long haul…VTSAX is a good place

              #100714 Reply

                pick an asset allocation that matches your risk tolerance and time frame (likely an aggressive, stock-oriented strategy), Invest it all now and don’t stress about what the market does over the next several months or years.

                If this is in a traditional IRA, you won’t likely be withdrawing for at least 30 years.

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